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2023-09-18 14:37:14來源:勵普網










The given chart illustrates the percentage of people who use different types of transport in a certain city.

Overall, it can be seen that the most popular form of transport in this city is the bus, with a total of 40%, while the least popular is the bicycle, with only 5%.

Looking at the chart in more detail, it can be seen that the second most popular form of transport is the car, with a total of 30%. This is followed by the train, with a total of 20%, and the taxi, with a total of 5%.

In conclusion, it is clear that the bus is the most popular form of transport in this city, while the bicycle is the least popular.

雅思 小作文 范文

題目:The chart below shows the percentage of people who travelled to work in five different ways in a European city in 2010 and 2016

The chart illustrates the proportions of people who travelled to work in five different ways in a European city in 2010 and 2016.

Overall, it is clear that the most popular way of travelling to work in both years was by car, while the least popular was by bicycle. In addition, there were some changes in the proportions of people who travelled to work in different ways between 2010 and 2016.

In 2010, the percentage of people who travelled to work by car was the highest at just over 50%, while the proportion of those who travelled by bicycle was the lowest at just under 5%. The other three modes of transport were used by between 20% and 30% of people.

By 2016, the percentage of people who travelled to work by car had decreased to just under 40%, while the proportion of those who travelled by bicycle had increased to just over 10%. The other three modes of transport were used by between 25% and 35% of people.

To conclude, the most popular way of travelling to work in both years was by car, while the least popular was by bicycle. However, there were some changes in the proportions of people who travelled to work in different ways between 2010 and 2016.







雅思寫作小作文模板 —— 必備技巧和范文

雅思考試中,小作文(Task 1)通常是一篇圖表題,包括餅圖、柱狀圖、折線圖、流程圖等。寫作范文有著相似的結構與特點,下面提供一些必備的技巧和范例,幫助英語學習者攻克小作文。

閱讀題目要求: 首先,仔細閱讀圖表題目的要求,了解題目中的關鍵信息,注意圖表中的單位、時間等信息。

概括信息: 在開篇就需要概括圖表中的主要信息,可以用幾句話概括出圖表的趨勢、變化和特點。

描述細節: 接著,需要逐一描述圖表中的具體細節,并進行數據比較和分析。在這個步驟中,需要用到一些重要的動詞和形容詞,比如 increase, decrease, rise, fall, steady, significant 等。

描述總結: 需要對圖表的信息進行總結,總結出結論,并進行適當的預測和建議。同時,也可以將圖表中的信息與現實生活進行聯系,提高描述的可讀性。


題目:The chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the UK, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002.


The bar chart illustrates the amount of time spent on telephone calls in the UK from 1995 to 2002, categorized by three different types of calls: local, national, and international.

Overall, the total number of minutes spent on telephone calls in the UK increased gradually during the period given, with the exception of international calls, which showed a small decline. In 1995, the total number of minutes spent on local calls was approximately 60 billion, around half of which was spent on national calls. During the following three years, 1996 to 1998, the number of minutes spent on all three types of calls increased by around 10 billion each year, after which local calls continued to increase steadily, reaching almost 90 billion in 2002.

National calls, on the other hand, increased more slowly, peaking at 50 billion in 2000 before falling to around 45 billion in 2002. International calls, which started at only 5 billion minutes in 1995, showed some fluctuation during the period given, but the overall tendency was downward, with the figure reaching below 3 billion minutes in 2002.

In summary, the general pattern of telephone usage in the UK during the period shown was towards an increase in local and national calls, while international calls showed a decline. Therefore, it can be concluded that the UK telecommunications market was more focused on local and national communications during these years.








題目:The graph below shows the percentage of people who used public transport in four European cities in 2010 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph compares the percentage of people who used public transport in four European cities in 2010 and 2015. It is clear that the use of public transport increased in all four cities over the five-year period.

In 2010, the highest percentage of public transport users was in London, at 40%. This was followed by Paris at 30%, Rome at 25%, and Madrid at 20%. By 2015, the percentage of public transport users had risen in all four cities. London had the highest percentage of users at 50%, followed by Paris at 40%, Rome at 35%, and Madrid at 30%.

Overall, the use of public transport increased by 10% in London, 10% in Paris, 10% in Rome, and 10% in Madrid.


The given map illustrates the changes of a small town from 1990 to 2010.

Overall, it can be seen that the town has experienced a significant transformation over the two decades. In 1990, the town was mainly composed of residential areas, while in 2010, a large number of commercial and recreational facilities had been added.

In 1990, the town was mainly residential, with two large housing estates located in the north and south of the town. In addition, there was a small park in the east of the town. By 2010, the residential areas had been expanded, with two more housing estates built in the east and west of the town. Furthermore, a shopping mall, a cinema and a sports centre had been constructed in the centre of the town.

To conclude, the town has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past two decades, with the addition of a variety of commercial and recreational facilities.


1. The chart below shows the percentage of people in three age groups who visited a museum in the UK in 2009.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart illustrates the percentage of people in three age groups who visited a museum in the UK in 2009. It is clear that the highest proportion of museum visitors were aged between 25 and 34, at 37%, while the lowest proportion were aged 65 and over, at just 17%. The other age group, those aged between 45 and 54, had a figure of 28%.

Overall, it can be seen that the younger age groups were more likely to visit a museum than the older age groups.

相關內容: 雅思小作文技巧及范文


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