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深圳的英語怎么說 深圳的英文

2023-08-18 10:38:22來源:勵普網



Shenzhen (city in China)

I have been very happy with my work at Shenzhen Foreign Trade Bureau.
我很滿意在深圳外貿局的工作。Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong, and Zhuhai is close to Macao.
深圳毗鄰香港,珠海靠近澳門So he had a special attachment to Shenzhen.
他對深圳一直有著深厚的感情。Top leaders of IDG made a short stay in Hong Kong before attending the 6th China Hi-tech Fair in Shenzhen.
IDG高層趁本月中深圳舉行第六屆深圳高交會前夕短暫停留香港。The pace of construction there is rapid. It doesn"t take long to erect a tall building.
深圳的建設速度相當快,蓋房子幾天就是一層I visited Shenzhen a couple of years ago and found the economy flourishing.
我去過一次深圳,那里確實是一派興旺氣象。Patrick McGovern, founder and chairman of IDG has a special attachment to Shenzhen.
IDG的創始人及董事長麥戈文對深圳情有獨鐘McGovern deserved the title of an Honorable Citizen.
麥戈文先生獲得深圳榮譽市民是當之無愧的。Shenzhen and Beijing are not the same market, there is little comparability different environment and living habits.
深圳和北京不是同樣的市場,沒有多少可比性,不同的環境和生活習性。Shenzhen hopes eventually to widen the pool of companies on its new board to about50.


Shenzhen and Beijing are not the same market, there is little comparability different environment and living habits.
深圳和北京不是同樣的市場,沒有多少可比性,不同的環境和生活習性。I visited Shenzhen a couple of years ago and found the economy flourishing.
我去過一次深圳,那里確實是一派興旺氣象。The index tendency of Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market predicts the curve graph in 2001

n. 都市,城市;特許市;全市居民;倫敦商業區;充滿...的地方

the city of York
約克特許市. beleaguer a city
圍攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.

n. 瓷,瓷料;瓷制品,瓷器

China Green Outlook
中國綠色瞭望 Is it a China-made hat?
這是中國制的帽子嗎?The china flioured yesterday .

相關內容: 深圳的英語怎么說 勵普網


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