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工業區用英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-07-14 11:06:54來源:勵普網


industrial estate
industrial park

Water diverted from the Luanhe River to Tangshan is a main water source of the Caofeidian Industry Zone.
唐山市引灤供水系統是曹妃甸工業區的主水源。 An industrial suburb
城郊工業區The industrial area is centered largely in the east.
工業區大部分集中在東部。I"ve never seen such a hive of industry.
我從未見過這么忙碌的工業區。 The Middle West comprehends many farming and industrial areas.
中西部包括許多農業區和工業區。In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work.
在紡織工業區,母親外出工作早已司空見慣。The Middle West comprehends many farming and industrial areas
中西部包括許多農業區和工業區。During the war hundreds of thousands of children were evacuated from the industrial to rural areas.
戰爭期間成千上萬的孩子從工業區疏散到鄉村。 Industrial regions of the world suffer much more acidic fall-out than did before the industrial revolution.
世界工業區現在遭受的酸性回降物之害,比工業革命前要大得多。"Carson:city of southern California, a residential and industrial suburb of Los angeles."

adj. 工業的,產業的,用于工業的;從事工業的;產業工人的

primary industry,secondary industry,tertiary industry
第一產業、第二產業、第三產業learned industriousness
習得勤奮性 Industrial research is the province of the Department of Trade and Industry.

n. 大片私有土地,莊園;地產;社會階層

Convention on Succession and Administration of Estates
遺產繼承和管理公約 To hold an estate in fee simple
持有無限制的完全保有土地所有權的地產 Certain estates are labelled as undesirable.

n. 公園;停車場
v. 停車;放置

The park is landscaped.
這公園景觀被美化了。 Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking.
市區中心,緊靠公園,免費停車。They stopped and sat on a park bench.

相關內容: 工業區用英文怎么說 勵普網


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