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詳情的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-06-05 10:26:58來源:勵普網



Details see over
詳情見背頁I forbear to go into details.
我避免涉及詳情。For details, dial hotline
欲知詳情,請撥熱線For more information,contact our customer service desk
詳情請和顧客服務處聯系。The Baidu spokesman declined to provide further details on the visit.
百度發言人拒絕提供此次視察的進一步詳情。It is not known how many of the details of the duce"s shabby end were communicated to the Fuehrer
關于墨索里尼的不體面的下場,到底有多少詳情細節傳到了希特勒耳中,現在還不清楚。A particular detail or circumstance.
詳情詳盡的細節或情形 For further information on … Please call ……
"了解…詳情,請打電話……"Full details are given in Appendix 3.
詳情請見附錄三。For further details, please refer to page 426.

n. 細節,詳情;細枝末節,瑣事;細部
v. 詳述;選派;畫詳圖

elevation detail
立面細部 The devil is in the details.
細節決定成敗。A particular detail or circumstance.
詳情詳盡的細節或情形 The announcement gave no details of the meeting.
公告沒有談會議的詳細情況。Have you been circulated with details of the conference?

adj. 特別的,獨有的;詳細的;挑剔的
n. 詳細說明;個別項目;特點

particular description
詳細的描述 The work is complete in every particular.
工作的每個細節均己完成。A particular detail or circumstance.
詳情詳盡的細節或情形 Fatigue is a particular problem for women.
疲勞是女性特有的問題。The Kiwi accent was a particular hit.

相關內容: 詳情的英文怎么說 勵普網


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