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四月的英文怎么說 四月英文例句

2023-12-04 09:34:17來源:勵普網



四月的英文表達方式有兩種,一是April,二是fourth month。“在四月”可以說成“in April”。


Your deposit matures on April 3rd.
你的存款四月三日到期。Is it feasible to finish the work by April?
在四月以前有可能完成該項工作嗎?I met Harry in Los Angeles on April 17, 1962, and on April 23 he was in Beatrice, Nebraska, running Dempster.
我在當年四月去洛杉磯拜訪他,一個禮拜后,他就被請到內布拉斯加州來管理Dempster。In mid april
在四月中旬The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth.
婚禮在四月十五日舉行。The peach trees blossom in April.
桃樹在四月開花。It"s april 25.
是四月二十五日。April is the best time to plant.
四月是種植的最好時間。April weather is changeable.
四月的天氣是易變的。April brought the first flush of grass.

n. 四月

When were you born? The first of April/April the first/(US) April first.
你是什么時候出生的?四月一日.The peach trees blossom in April.
桃樹在四月開花。April is the time to plant trees.

n. 第四,月的第四日;四分之一
adj. 第四的,第四個的;四分之一的
num. 第四

She was but just the fourth.
她只得了第四名。Thailand is the fourth largest exporter of chicken.
泰國是世界第四大雞類出口國。Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.

n. 月,月份;一個月的時間

month of Sundays
很長的時間It was a scene which was enacted month after month for these years.
這些年里,那一情況每個月都會發生。Their dictionary was printed last month.

相關內容: 四月的英文怎么說 勵普網


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