全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
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發布時間:2021-04-12 15:23:12來源:轉載



1.She is no less diligent than her elder sister.她和她姐姐一樣用功。

2.One minute too late is no morein time than half an hour(is).遲到一分鐘與遲到半小時同樣是不準時。

3.His strength is superior to mine.他的力氣比我大。

4.Colored people are by no means inferior to white people.有色人種絲毫不比白人低劣。

5.My arrival in New York isposterior to that of my friend.我比我朋友后到紐約。

6.We love truth above everythingelse.我們熱愛真理甚與一切。

7.It is worth next to nothing.那幾乎一錢不值。

8.How could he compare with BillGates?他怎能同比爾嚫譴南啾饒兀?nbsp;

9.Easier said than done.說易做難。

10.I like that best of all/leastof all.我較喜歡/不喜歡那個。

11.I can’t think of a better idea.我想不出比這個更好的了。

12.No other book has had a greaterinfluence on my life.任何其它的書對我一生的影響都沒有這本書大。

13.Nothing is so easy as this.沒有比這更容易的事了。

14.The more a men knows,the morehe discovers his ignorance.一個人懂得越多,越發現自己無知。

15.So much the worse.更加不妙。

16.Better late than never.遲做比不做好。

17.Better to do well than to saywell.說得好不如做得好。

18.I would sooner die than do sucha thing.我寧死不做此事。

19.Wise men love truth,whereasfools shun it.聰明人熱愛真理,而愚人逃避真理。

20.I would do anything beforethat.我什么都肯做,就是不愿做那件事。


1.I got plucked.我未被錄取。

2.He got dismissed.他被開除了。

3.You are bound to be received warmly.你定會受到熱情接待。

4.I preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do.我寧愿被分配(得到)些更困難的工作做。

5.He was often spoken about.他常被人們談到。

6.It is considered a shame to cheat in examination.考試舞弊是可恥的。

7.It was found difficult for us to understand him.我們發現要了解他是很難的。

8.It was proved wrong to say things like that.已經證明那種講法是不對的。

9.It is requested that you kindly take immediate action in the matter.對于此事,請速做處理。

10.It hasn’t been made clear when the new road is open to traffic.新路什么時候通車還沒有宣布。

11.Has it been decided where we are to hold the conference?會議在那里開,決定了嗎?

12.I was warned not to be late.我被告之不要遲到。

13.I am supposed to know something about science.有人建議我了解一些科學方面的東西。

14.The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room.這些書不準攜出室外


1.There is not a moment to be lost.分秒必爭。

2.There is no holding back the wheel of history.歷史車輪不可阻擋。

3.Not a soul was anywhere visible.到處見不到一個人。

4.I felt sorry for not coming in time.我很抱歉沒準時到。

5.I don’t think it is right to make such a hasty decision.我認為如此倉促做決定是不正確的。

6.Everybody,it is true,wouldn’t like it.的確并不是人人都喜歡。

7.I don’t wholly agree.我并不完全同意。

8.All my plans came to nothing.我的一切計劃都沒實現。

9.I shall never do it,not under any circumstances.我不會做那事的,

10.I’ll not do such a thing,not I.我不會干這種事的,決不會。

11.I could not assent to,much less participate in such proceedings.我對這種行為不能贊同,哪里還說得上參加。

12.I did not even see him,still less shake hands with him.我看都沒看見他,哪里還可能同他握手呢?

13.I never thought of it,let alone did I do it.我想都沒想到它,更談不上去做了。

14.Little remains to be said.簡直沒什么可說的了。

15.I have hardly ever been out of Beijing.我幾乎未曾離開過北京

16.I saw little or nothing of him after you were gone.你走后我很少看見他,幾乎可說完全沒見過他


17.I could not help showing my pleasure.我不禁喜形于色。

18.I cannot but admire his courage.我不得不贊美他的勇氣。

19.I never see you but I think of my brother.我每次見到你就想起我的兄弟來。(我沒有一次不是見到你就想起我的兄弟來。)

20.It simply will not do.那是不行的。

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相關內容: 托福考試 托福口語備考 托福口語考試高級句型匯總
