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例子的英文怎么說 例子的英文

2023-06-12 09:46:43來源:勵普網


for instance

Rewrite the following sentences after the model.
仿照例子重寫句子。 An apposite comment,illustration,example,etc
恰當的評論,說明,例子等Adduce a historical instance
引用歷史上的例子A unique example of the slack diaphragm is the draft gage.
弱膜片的典型例子是風壓計。The 7-Eleven chain is the classic example of convenience store.
7-11連鎖商店是便利商店的經典例子。Take a glaring scenario closer home
我們周圍地區便有些很明顯的例子。Examples of epiphytes are ferns growing in the axils
附生植物的例子是長在樹枝腋上的蕨。A compelling example is that of Koreans in Japan.
一個極有說服力的例子就是在日本的朝鮮人。The hammerhead shark family is a good example.
雙髻鯊家族是一個好的例子。To demonstrate or show by an example; exemplify.

n. 例子,情況,請求,審級,例外
v. 舉...為證,舉例說明

This is no isolated instance.
這不是孤立的例子。An act or instance of such falseness.
這種假裝的行為或實例。 The proposal was accepted at the instance of the majority.
這一建議經大多數的請求得到采納。Can you quote a recent instance?
你能舉出一個最近的例證嗎? There are no qualified maintainable instances to rebuild.

n. 例子;范例;榜樣

make an example of
1.懲罰...以儆戒他人 This is an example of no contrast.
這就是一個沒有對比的例子。Teach others by your example
以身作則Example is better then percept
說一遍,不如做一遍A good example is the best sermon.

相關內容: 例子的英文怎么說 勵普網


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