發布時間:2022-11-09 09:15:38來源:勵普教育綜合
These two lines of research - studying the differences between identical twins to pinpoint the influence of environment, and comparing identical twins with fraternal ones to measure the role of inheritance - have been crucial to understanding the interplay of nature and nurture in determining our personalities, behavior, and vulnerability to disease. (劍 11 Test4 Passage1)
1) 結構分析
主句: These two lines of research have been crucial to understanding the interplay
修飾①:- studying............inheritance -【兩個破折號插入語,修飾research】
修飾②:of nature....nurture 【of介詞定語,修飾interplay】
修飾③:in determining...disease【in 介短定語,修飾interplay】
修飾①內部: 主體:studing the differences and comparing..... fraternal ones(and并列兩doing)
修飾①:between identical twins(between介短定語,修飾differences)
修飾②:to pinpoint ....of environment(to do短語,修飾studying 表目的)
修飾③:to measure the role of inheritance(to do短語,修飾comparing表目的)
結構總結: 主句+插入語【嵌套并列+介短定+to do狀】+介短定語
2) 譯文分析:紅體字代表主干,括號代表修飾
3) 重點詞匯:
pinpoint:v. 明確
measure:v. 測量;衡量;明確
identical twins:(詞組)同卵雙胞胎
fraternal twins:(詞組)異卵雙胞胎
crucial:adj. 至關重要的
inheritance:n. 遺傳 先天
nature and nurture:(詞組) 先天后天
interplay:n. 相互作用
vulnerability:n. 易受影響性,脆弱性
If you think of our DNA as an immense piano keyboard and our genes as the keys - each key symbolizing a segment of DNA responsible for a particular note, or trait, and all the keys combining to make us who we are - then epigenetic processes determine when and how each key can be struck, changing the tune being played. (劍 11 Test4 Passage1)
1) 結構分析
主句: epigenetic processes determine when and how each key can be struck【when how賓從】
修飾②:changing ......played(doing狀語,修飾determine,表結果)
修飾①內部: 主體:you think of our DNA as.... and our genes as the keys(and并列兩think of as)
修飾:- each......who we are -(兩破折號插入語,修飾keys)
插入語內部:主體:each key and all the keys(and并列兩名詞)
修飾①:symbolizing......DNA(doing定語,修飾each key)
修飾②:responsible for......trait(adj短語做后置定語,修飾 a segment of DNA)
修飾③:combining to make us(doing定語,修飾all the keys)
修飾④:who we are(who賓補,修飾 us)
結構總結: 主句【嵌套賓從+doing】 + 狀從【嵌套插入+doing+從句+并列】
2) 譯文分析:紅體字代表主干,括號代表修飾(大括號包含小括號)
【如果你把我們的 DNA 設想成為一個巨大的鋼琴鍵盤,把我們的基因設想成其中的琴 (每個琴鍵象征著的一個基因片段負責特定的音調或者特質,而所有的琴鍵組合起來構成了每一個獨特的我們)】,那么表觀遺傳過程就決定著每個琴鍵可以在什么時候以何種方式被彈奏,(從而改變著演奏曲目的旋律)。
3) 重點詞匯:
immense :adj. 巨大的
symbolize:adj. 象征著
segment :n. 片段 切片 部分
particular:adj. 特定的
trait:n. 特征
combine:v. 結合 聯合
determine:v. 決定著
struck:v.(原形strike) 撞擊 震驚(這里指彈奏)
tune:n. ①曲調 ②態度(這里?、?
Studies of animals, for example, have shown that when a rat experiences stress during pregnancy, it can cause epigenetic changes in a fetus that lead to behavioral problems as the rodent grows up. (劍 11 Test4 Passage1)
1) 結構分析:
主句:Studies of animals have shown that it can cause epigenetic change in a fetus【that賓從】
修飾①:that lead to......problem【that定從,修飾change】
修飾②: as the rodents grows up【as狀從,修飾 lead to】
修飾③: when a rat.......pregnancy【插入語,修飾PM,解釋身份】
結構總結: 主句+賓從【嵌套狀從+定從】
2) 譯文分析: 紅體字代表主干,括號代表修飾
3) 重點詞匯:
pregnancy:n. 孕期
fetus:n. 胎兒(co是前綴,表示“共同”)
behavioral problems:(詞組)行為問題
stress:n. 壓力
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