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位置:勵普教育 > 英語>雅思> 關于雅思閱讀強調句的表達句式  正文


發布時間:2022-03-29 08:59:58來源:勵普教育綜合




1)It + is/was + 被強調部分 + that/which/who/whom/whose + 句子的其他成分:

在這一結構中,如果被強調部分是人,用"that",“who”,“whom”;如果被強調部分是物,用"that"或“which";強調狀語時,只能用"that",不能用"when",“where” 和"why";強調的主語是復數,主句的謂語動詞也得用單數。

It was uncle Bill、whose telephone number I lost.

It was we that/who arrived there first.

It was because it rained heavily that they didn’t go outing.


It is Alice that/who looks pretty.(強調主語)

It was the wall that they painted white yesterday.(強調賓語)

It was yesterday that he put the wall white.(強調狀語)

It Was the chairman of the Trade Union that we elected.(強調賓補)


It is I who have responsible for the organization.

It was he that/who painted the wall white yesterday.


誤:It is beautiful that Helen is.

He is taller by far than any other student in his class.

He is by far the taller of the two.

④“No matter”+“關系代詞/關系副詞”加強語氣:

No matter what you may say,1 won’t believe you.

No matter when our motherland needs us.we’ll respond to her call.

No matter how busy the president is,he often takes time off to give talks to the students.


Put it right in the middle.

Tom is absolutely right in doing this job.

This is just the word the author uses in his article.

I am anything but a kill-joy(掃興的人).(=I am not a kill-joy at all.)

He is nothing but a worker.(=He is only a worker.)

He is nothing if not careful.(=He is very careful.)

They are the truest of friends.

The very act stepping on this soil was for me a far greater adventure.

The newspaper reporters got excited at the very sight of the Nobel Prize Winner.

It is beautiful song that Helen is singing.


It must be Mike that is listening to the music.

It might have been John who was in the traffic jam.

It would have been at that time that he went to live in London.

3)“It is/was + not until+被強調部分+that+…”表示強調:

相關內容: 雅思 雅思閱讀強調句 雅思考試


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