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導演的英文怎么說 導演的英文

2023-06-02 09:17:03來源:勵普網


director (film etc.)

scenes that exemplify the film director"s style.
場景體現了影片導演的風格The director look down at the actor from the dolly.
導演從攝影車上看下面的演員。The author, who lives and works in New York City, is a television producer-director and film-maker.
作者在紐約市居住和工作,是一位電視電影制片人兼導演。Steven Spielberg is on of the top directors in the film industry and also has many fans in China.
斯皮爾伯格是電影界中最優秀的導演之一在中國也有他的許多影迷。It has been created by Oscar-winning director James Cameron, the man behind the Titanic and the terminator movies
它由那位執導影片《泰坦尼克號》和《魔鬼終結者》的先生,捧走奧斯卡金像獎的導演詹姆斯·卡梅倫創作。Who directed the film?
誰導演這部影片?The director of the film is a Greek.
這部電影的導演是一位希臘人。The director began to cast actors for parts.
導演開始給演員分配角色。The director asked them to dolly out.
導演叫他們拉攝。The director cast John as Hamlet.

adj. 直接的;直的;恰好的;率直的;直系的;親身的
v. 把…對準;管理;指導;導演;指揮;指向;引路
adv. 徑直地,直接地

This is a direct election.
這是直接選舉。Cross direction: The direction at right angle to the paper grain or machine direction.
橫向:與紙紋成直角的方向。It saved me hours of work in the direction of notes and directives.

n. 主管,董事,指導者,指揮者,控制器,指示器,神父

“Director General” means the Director General of the Organization
“總干事”指本組織的總干事What is the titude director indicator?
什么是姿態指示器?This is the autopilot flight director.

n. 電影,紀實鏡頭,膠片,薄膜
v. 拍攝電影

documentary films
記錄影片 Who directed the film?
誰導演這部影片?This film had good reviews.

相關內容: 導演的英文怎么說 勵普網


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