2023-09-01 15:38:53來源:勵普網
Constituent structure
成分結構Rewrite the sentences below, emphasizing as man parts as possible.
改寫下列句子,強調盡可能多的成分。The colorless, liquid component of the cell nucleus.
細胞核液細胞核中無色的液體成分In general, the composition of lower crust is close to basalt and the composition of upper crust is similar to granite.
一般來說,下地殼的成分接近于玄武巖,而上地殼的物質成分與花崗巖相似。A globular protein that is the basic structural constituent of microtubules.
微管蛋白一種球蛋白,是微管的基本結構成分An enzyme that hydrolyzes dipeptides into their constituent amino acids.
二肽酶把二肽水解成其組成成分氨基酚的酶Something that is a combination of disparate or contradictory elements.
兼有相反性質的人或物兼有根本不同的或相互對立的成分的結合體。The placing of a word or suffixed element after the word to which it is grammatically related.
后置將詞或后綴成分置于語法上有聯系的詞后An element that indicates grammatical class or function;a derivational or inflectional morpheme.
標記表示語法種類或功能的成分;衍生的或曲折演化來的語素The specific polysaccharide component of guar gum is guaran.
n. 組成部分;要素;原料
Salt is a crucial ingredient in cooking.
鹽是烹調的一種重要材料。Being or functioning as a constituent or an ingredient.
合成的是或作為一個組成部分或成分的The oriental is proficient in the ingredients.
東方人對成分熟練。There is a list of ingredients on the side of the packet.
包裝袋的邊上印有所含配料表。First, compound all the ingredients.
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