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偶數的英文怎么說 偶數的英文

2023-08-21 15:54:34來源:勵普網



even number

Thirteen is not divisible by any even number.13
不能被任何偶數除盡。There are two kinds of numbers, odd and even.
世上只有兩種數字:奇數和偶數。In printing, any left handed, even numbered page of a book.
在印刷技術中,書中左邊的、偶數編號的那些頁。 Hex data must have an even number of digits in order to be byte aligned.
為進行字節對齊,十六進制數據的位數必須為偶數 。The sum of all the degree is 24, an even number, which is twice the number of edges.
所有次數的和是24,是個偶數,它是邊數的兩倍。In printing, any left handed, even numbered page of a book
在印刷技術中,書中左邊的、偶數編號的那些頁。Range: 0 = default for all or even hex numbers 2 - 7e (or NULL) [Optional]
范圍: 0 = 缺省值為 all 或偶數的十六進制數 2 - 7e (或 NULL)[可選的] A circ is an undirected graph having only vertices of even nonzero degree
一廣義圈是一無向圖,其頂點次數都是非零偶數。Drivers with even-numbered license plates,were told to stay off the roads on Friday and Sunday or face fines.

n. 數;號碼;算數
v. 給…編號;計算,數

The number was fifty.
該數字為五十。There is safety in numbers
人多勢眾It was an irrational number.
這是一個無理數。Which number on the card is a prime number?
在卡片上哪一個數字是最初的數字?The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to produce that designated number.

相關內容: 偶數的英文怎么說 勵普網


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