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除此之外的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-08-17 11:07:54來源:勵普網



apart from this
in addition to this

Fireworks are also an important part of the evening, with many local government holding big displays.
除此之外,煙花表演也是那晚不可缺少的,許多地方政府會組織盛大的煙花表演。also;In addition
除此之外In addition, bananas are also rich of potassium.
除此之外,香蕉還富含鉀。But other than that, it’s a smashing game all round.
但除此之外,它始終都是一個了不起的游戲。Beyond that he developed traits that we came to view as paranoid.
除此之外,他展現了我們視為偏執狂的特征。The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bert.
除此之外,只有喬與鮑勃知道這人秘密。"In addition to this, there is the growing mobility of people since World War II"
除此之外,人們還面臨著第二次世界大戰以來人口流動越來越大的問題In addition, they had a net capital inflow of $114bn.
除此之外,向亞洲國家的資本凈流入為1140億美元。Mr. Wu: Besides these, I find that the most difficult problem for students is composition writing.
吳先生:除此之外,我覺得學生最困難的在于寫作文。In addition, some of the most durable fabrics are manufactured by the plain weave technique.

adv. 相距地;相隔地;...除外;分開地;分離地;拆散地;單獨地

An apartment that is convenient to shopping and transportation.
購物和交通均很近便的公寓 This toy is made to pull apart.
這件玩具可以拆開。 Then the long collaboration fell apart.
長期的合作就這樣破裂。To split or force apart with or as if with a wedge.
楔入,劈開用或好象用楔子劈開或使分裂 View each idea apart.

n. 加;加法;增加物;添加

There is no room for addition.
沒有增加的余地。addition or extension that prolongs sth
增加或延長的部分. He is very clever at addition.
他擅長加法。A new baby is an addition to the family.
新生兒給家庭增加一口人。Additive was an important for compound fertilizer.

相關內容: 除此之外的英文怎么說 勵普網


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