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反饋的英語怎么說 反饋的英文

2023-08-02 11:13:11來源:勵普網


feed back

Flexible feedback
軟反饋Regenerative feedback
再生反饋The most commonly used trigger flip-flop is the master-slave type with cross feedback.
較常用的觸發器是交叉反饋的主從觸發器。Again, feedback is essential for avoidance of similar problems in the future.
同樣,為避免將來發生類似問題,反饋信息很重要。We want to share our feedback and discuss this in the working group
我們希望在這個工作組的每位能分享我們的反饋和討論。feedback control systems
反饋控制系統 As with visual feedback, computer games tend to excel at positive audio feedback.
和視覺反饋一樣,計算機游戲擅長于正面聽覺反饋。As with visual feedback, computer games tend to excel at positive audio feedback.
和視覺反饋一樣,計算機游戲擅長于正面聽覺反饋。feedback cutter head
反饋式刻紋頭 feedback control technology of electric drive system

n. 反饋;反饋的信息

The microphone screeched with feedback.
麥克風發出了尖厲的噪聲。feedback cutter head
反饋式刻紋頭 As with visual feedback, computer games tend to excel at positive audio feedback.
和視覺反饋一樣,計算機游戲擅長于正面聽覺反饋。As with visual feedback, computer games tend to excel at positive audio feedback.
和視覺反饋一樣,計算機游戲擅長于正面聽覺反饋。I was getting great feedback from my boss.

n. 飼料;一餐;進料量
v. 喂養;供給;撫養;滿足;以…為食物

extraction feed
萃出原料|抽出原料 If you do not feed the cat, you must feed the rat.
不養貓必養鼠。 grain feed auger
谷粒喂入螺旋 Feed a cold and starve a fever
傷風宜吃,發燒宜睡They were feeding the ducks.

相關內容: 反饋的英語怎么說 勵普網


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