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適用于的英文怎么說 適用于的英文

2023-07-21 15:27:08來源:勵普網


Apply To
be appropriate for
be apt for
be suitable for

This is applied to the wart.
這適用于樹瘤。This rule goes for the class.
這條規則適用于課堂。This is sprayed on or applied to the wart.
這是被噴上的,或者適用于樹瘤。Notice that the concept of earnings per share applies only to common stock.
需注意,每股收益的概念只適用于普通股。The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race, creed or colour.
法律適用于所有的人,不分種族、信仰或膚色。The thermostat provides heating-cooling control for year-round use.
這個溫度控制器可適用于全年運行的采暖-降溫控制。Synthetic detergents or soaps containing alkaline builders are used to scour wool.
具有堿性組分的合成滌劑或肥皂適用于對毛織物煮練。Roller Foot: good for stitching on leather, synthetic suede, and vinyl.
滾軸壓腳:適用于縫制皮革、仿麂皮和薄膜。The same does not apply to you. It does not affect you.
同樣的情形并不適用于你。它不影響你。provided that they are applicable to the specific operating unit or activity that will be subject to the standard.

v. 實施;涂,敷;專心致志;使致力于;(使)適用;申請

This is applied to the wart.
這適用于樹瘤。This is sprayed on or applied to the wart.
這是被噴上的,或者適用于樹瘤。They still do not apply for the visa.

adj. 適當的;恰當的;合適的
v. 占用;撥出

appropriate shed
專用貨棚 Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate.
刪除括號中不適用的稱謂。This is particularly appropriate to niche markets.

adj. 易于...的;有...傾向的;恰當的,貼切的;聰明的,反應敏捷的
abbr. 公寓,APT 系統

A man apt to promise is apt to forget
輕諾者,信必寡He is apt at languages.
他善于學習語言。In many ways the comparison is apt.

相關內容: 適用于的英文怎么說 勵普網


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