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配件的英文怎么說 配件的英文

2023-06-02 09:12:40來源:勵普網


replacement (parts)

blanket subassembly
再生區配件 A handy gadget.
有用的小配件。I like to buy imported accessories like cufflinks.
我喜歡買像鏈扣之類進口的配件。The division has developed a new product that requires a custom-made fitting.
該部門已開發出一種新產品,其需用一個訂制的配件。fitting ,of base metal, for trunks, chests, suitcases and similar travel goods
皮箱、衣箱、小提箱和類似旅行物品配件,賤金屬制 The assemblies of the whole Body is combined by spot welding and Bolting.
整個車身的所有裝配件都是由點焊或螺栓組裝起來的。Division X has developed a new product that requires a custom-made fitting.
X部門已發展出一種新產品,其需用一個訂制的配件。To some extent the smaller the assembly, the more adaptable is its manufacture to automated techniques
在一定程度上,裝配件越小,其制造過程對于自動化技術的適應性也就越強。Accessories & spares delivered to your door
配件送貨上門。Attachments to a reaping machine

adj. 適合的;適當的;相稱的
n. 裝置;設備;試衣

This cap fits you better.
這頂帽子對你更合適。To join by or fit into a gain.
在腰槽內連接或配合 This car is fitted with radial tyres.

n. 裝備,裝配
adj. 逐漸增加的
v. mount的ing形式

mount a theater production; mount an attack"; mount a play.
上演戲劇作品;上演一次攻擊;上演一部劇本。 Is it theresilient base mount type?
這就是彈性底座安裝式 ?the diamond was in a plain gold mount.

n. 更換;代替;歸還;復位;代替者;補充兵源

Insertion and replacement
插入和替換 She replaced the receiver.
她將聽筒放了回去。a substitute; a substitution; a replacement

相關內容: 配件的英文怎么說 勵普網


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