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發布時間:2022-04-29 13:51:38來源:勵普教育綜合












( not usually in the progressive tenses 通常不用于進行時) ( formal )

1.to continue to be sth; to be still in the same state or condition 仍然是;保持不變

[ v. + adj. ]

to remain silent/standing/seated/motionless 依然沉默╱站著╱坐著╱一動不動

Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 火車票價很可能會保持不變。

It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning. 體育重在勇于競爭而非獲勝,一向如此。

[ v. + n. ]

In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 盡管有過爭吵,他們仍是較好的朋友。

He will remain (as) manager of the club until the end of his contract. 他將繼續擔任俱樂部經理,直至合同期滿。

2.[ vi. ] to still be present after the other parts have been removed, used, etc.; to continue to exist剩余;遺留;繼續存在

Very little of the house remained after the fire. 火災之后,這座房子所剩無幾。

There were only ten minutes remaining. 只剩下十分鐘了。

3.to still need to be done, said, or dealt with 仍需去做(或說、處理)

[ V to inf]

Much remains to be done. 還有很多事要去做。

It remains to be seen (= it will only be known later) whether you are right. 你說得對不對還有待證實。

[ V]

There remained one significant problem. 還有一個非常重要的問題。

Questions remain about the president's honesty. 總統是否誠實,還有許多疑問。

[ V (that)]

I feel sorry for her, but the fact remains (that) she lied to us. 我為她感到難過,可事實是她對我們撒了謊。

4.[ V. usually + adv./prep.] to stay in the same place; to not leave 逗留;不離去

They remained in Mexico until June. 他們在墨西哥一直住到六月。

The plane remained on the ground. 飛機仍未起飛。

She left, but I remained behind. 她走了,而我留了下來。



[ pl.]

1.~ (of sth)the parts of sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed, etc. 剩余物;殘留物;剩飯菜

She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog. 她把剩下的午飯喂狗了。

2.the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and are discovered in the present day 古代遺物;古跡;遺跡;遺址

prehistoric remains 史前遺跡

the remains of a Roman fort 羅馬要塞的遺址

3.( formal ) the body of a dead person or animal 遺體;遺骸

They had discovered human remains . 他們發現過人的遺骸。

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