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位置:勵普教育 > 英語>詞匯> legging單詞用法說明  正文


發布時間:2022-04-26 13:45:17來源:勵普教育綜合

legging單詞用法說明!legging,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“綁腿,裹腿,護脛”,作動詞時譯為“(非正式)步行,走;逃跑;(乘船者)用腿蹬洞頂或洞壁使船通過運河隧洞(leg 的現在分詞)”。


leg /l?ɡ/ CET4 TEM4 ( legs )

1.N-COUNT A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on. 腿

2.N-COUNT The legs of a pair of trousers are the parts that cover your legs. 褲腿

3.N-COUNT A leg of lamb, pork, chicken, or other meat is a piece of meat that consists of the animal's or bird's leg, especially the thigh. (羊、豬、雞等的) 腿肉

4.N-COUNT The legs of a table, chair, or other piece of furniture are the parts that rest on the floor and support the furniture's weight. (桌子、椅子等家具的) 腿

5.N-COUNT A leg of a long journey is one part of it, usually between two points where you stop. 一段旅程

6.N-COUNT A leg of a sports competition is one of a series of games that are played to find an overall winner. 一段賽程 [英國英語]

7.PHRASE If you are pulling someone's leg, you are teasing them by telling them something shocking or worrying as a joke. 開某人的玩笑 [非正式]


legging machine 襪統機

Jean Legging 仿牛仔

Cotton Legging 棉質

Conte Legging 緊身褲

Ferret Legging 雪貂入褲 ; 襠塞雪貂

Jacquard Legging 提花

Seamed Legging 有縫

Mesh Legging 網紗

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