發布時間:2022-02-10 14:03:39來源:轉載
英語六級試卷710分,寫作部分占整套試卷的15% =106.5分;聽力部分占整套試題的35%=248.5分;閱讀理解占整套試題的35%=248.5分;翻譯部分占整套試卷的15% =106.5分。那么,英語六級要考多少分才能及格?
①As the graph depicts,,….
②From the cartoon /picture, we can see that ..
③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph,
④The table shows / indicates/ reveals that .…
⑤It can be seen/concluded from the picture/table/ figures that….
①Recently,..has become the focus of the society.
②.has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.
③Nowadays there is a growing concern for ...
④Nowadays it is common to hear /see ...
⑤..has become a common occurrence in our daily life.
⑥Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of …
⑦It is only during the last/past fewyears that man has become generally aware that .…..
⑧There is an old / popular saying / proverb which says / goes.…
⑨In recent years, there is a general tendency ….
⑩Nowadays.. has become a problem we have to face.
①Some people like / prefer ., while others are / felinclined to
②There aredifferent opinions among people as to.….Some believe…. whole hold …
③Some people laim that….is superior to..Others,however,disagree with it.
④Some peoplebelieve.Others maintain.Still others claim …
⑤Some people suggest….Others,however,hold the opposite opinion.
⑥On the one hand,people tend to.….On the other hand,they feel….
⑦Some people argue that….Others,in contrast,believe that….
⑧Although more and more people come to believe…there arestil others who insist that …
⑨On the contrary,there are people in favor of ….
⑩There are some people who hold different opinions about…
①My own experience tells me that
②In my opinion,we should attack more importance to …..
③As for my own idea about ... believe ...
④As far as Iam concerned,I plan to ⑤Personally, I prefr ….
⑥In my view,both sides are partly right in that …
⑦But for me , I would rather ..
⑧My own point of view is that …
⑨In conclusion,I support the statement that …
⑩As regards me,I tend to choose …..
①From what has been discused/mentioned above,wemayconcude that
②Therefore,itis not dificult to draw/come to the condusion that..
③t i high time that something was done about …
④Fromall the reasons/consideration above,itis evident/clear/obviousthat..
⑤Taking into account all hese factors,we may reach the conclusion that
⑥Given the reasons/consideration Ihavejust outlined/discussed/presented,I strongly recommend that ...
⑦It is clear, therefore, tht..
⑧Alli all, what really matters is,in fact,to⑨It is essential that ffctive measure be taken to …
⑨Fromwhat has been discussed above,we may reasonably rrive at the conclusion that
⑩ In conclusion the most important s.@2 On the whole,it is high time that every one…間As a result,we should take some effective steps to… 4Judging by the figures/statistics,it is not diffcult to see that…. t) Only in this way/ in so doing,can be realy..
更多培訓課程: 鄭州英語四六級 更多學校信息: 鄭州中孚新航道雅思英語培訓 咨詢電話:
雅思 托福 GRE 托業 SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多鄰國英語測試 OSSD 英語四六級 詞匯 職稱英語 英語口語 商務英語 考研英語 青少英語 成人英語 個人提升英語 高中英語 劍橋英語 AP課程 一級建造師 二級建造師 消防工程師 消防設施操作員 BIM 造價工程師 環評師 監理工程師 咨詢工程師 安全工程師 建筑八大員 注冊電氣工程師 一級注冊建筑師 公路水運檢測 通信工程 裝配式工程師 二級注冊建筑師 智慧消防工程師 智慧建造工程師 全過程工程咨詢師 EPC工程總承包 碳排放管理師 初級會計師 中級會計師 注冊會計師(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金從業 證券從業 會計證 初中級經濟師 薪稅師 會計實操 企業合規師 FRM 會計就業 教師資格 人力資源管理 導游考試 心理咨詢師 健康管理師 家庭教育指導師 普通話 公共營養師 物流師 網絡主播 專利代理師 教師招聘 少兒編程 書法培訓 繪畫美術 音樂 舞蹈 棋類 國畫 樂器 機器人編程 小孩子注意力訓練 兒童專注力 兒童情緒管理 少兒小主播 信奧賽C++ 嵌入式培訓 軟件測試 Web前端 linux云計算 大數據 C/C++開發 電子商務 Java開發 影視后期 剪輯包裝 游戲設計 php 商業插畫 產品經理 Python photoshop UXD全鏈路 UI設計 室內設計 電商視覺設計 IT認證 PMP項目管理