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鄭州的英語怎么說 參考例句

2023-08-04 10:34:30來源:勵普網



How long does this train stop at Zhengzhou?
這列火車在鄭州要停多久?We provide the best amenity services in local market of Zhengzhou.
我們提供鄭州本地市場最優的各項禮儀服務。 Network coverage from east part of Zhengzhou to Kaifeng is well on account of the evenness of topography.
東部鄭州至開封路段,地勢比較平坦,網絡覆蓋情況良好。On a Han Dynasty brick excavated from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, a woman dancer has both sleeves floating in the wind.
河南鄭州出土的一塊漢畫像磚上描繪一位女伎兩袖飄飛There is little or no possibility that the enemy will flee towards Hsuchow, Chengchow, sian or Suiyuan
十、敵向徐州、鄭州、西安、綏遠諸路逃跑,是沒有可能或很少可能的。Later, I followed the colours from Kwangtung to Peking and rose from company commander to regimental commander

n. 鄭州

We provide the best amenity services in local market of Zhengzhou.
我們提供鄭州本地市場最優的各項禮儀服務。 Network coverage from east part of Zhengzhou to Kaifeng is well on account of the evenness of topography.
東部鄭州至開封路段,地勢比較平坦,網絡覆蓋情況良好。When I went to the Middle school, once play to the collective trade Center in Zhengzhou in the Henan( Old Grave Hill), seeing the huckster at sell the rat medicine, his sings and sells together, feels very much person.

相關內容: 鄭州的英語怎么說 勵普網


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