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指示燈的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-07-18 09:27:51來源:勵普網


indicator light
pilot lamp

Whats the meaning of the index lights on the panel?
面板上的指示燈含義是什么?Indicator turns off
指示燈關閉Indicator lights up
剎車指示燈狀態Green pilot light mounted on inner door. One for each circuit breaker.
綠色指示燈安裝在內層門上。每個斷路器都有一個指示燈。White pilot light mounted on inner door.
在內層門上安裝白色指示燈。The light tells you if the machine is on.
指示燈告訴你機器是否在工作。The light indicates the door is not secured.
指示燈亮顯示門未關緊Look at the exposure indicator when setting the aperture and shutter speed.
當設定光圈和快門速度時,請注意曝光指示燈The film speed and the “ISO” indicator are briefly displayed on the LCD panel.

n. 指示器;標志,跡象;轉向燈;指示劑

Image quality indicator(IQI)/image quality indication
像質指示器switch point indicator
道岔尖軌表示器 bumping post indicator

n. 光;光源;燈;點火物;日光;角度,眼光
v. 點,點燃;點著;照亮;用燈光指引
adv. 輕的,輕裝的
adj. 淺色的;輕的;少量的;輕微的;(負擔)輕的;輕盈的,輕快的;清淡的

The torch was lighted.
火炬點亮了。 I"m lost as a light is lost in light.
我如同燈盞迷失在光明里。The saturation and lightness of light also affect our perceptions.

n. 飛行員,宇航員,引航員;舵手,試播節目,指導員,自動駕駛儀
v. 駕駛,帶領,試驗,試點
adj. 試驗性的,導向,輔助性的

What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?
當一名民航飛機駕駛員要具備哪些條件? He cut in the automatic pilot.
他接通自動導向器。 hand reamer with pilot

相關內容: 指示燈的英文怎么說 勵普網


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