2023-07-17 10:38:08來源:勵普網
specific gravity
The proportion of patterns with auspicious meaning increased during the period.
吉祥圖案占有越來越大的比重。The salt water, being more dense, flows upstream under the fresh water which is flowing downstream
淡水在上層向下流動,比重更大的鹽水在下層逆流向上。The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined
地面脫氣原油的比重(美國石油學會標準)和生產油氣比是按常規測定的。If the IPO ratio goes up, will IDG have an even higher rate of return?
比重器,比重秤Increasing the proportion of high-tech products
提高高新技術產品的比重。Increase the proportion of direct financing
增加直接融資比重A hydrometer for measuring the specific gravity of urine.
尿比重計衡量尿的比重的液體比重計The production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.
原料生產在國民經濟中占相當大的比重。Hydrometer: An instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of a liquid or solution.
n. 比例;部分;面積;均衡
v. 使成比例;使均衡;分攤
extreme term of proportion
比例外項 A large proportion of the country is desert.
這個國家的大部分地方是沙漠。They proportioned their house well.
adj. 特有的;具體的,明確的
n. 特性;細節;特效藥
I want a specific answer.
我想要一個明確的回答。This book has a very specific purpose.
這本書的目的是很明確的。 A specific style of type.
n. 萬有引力,地心引力,重力;嚴肅
an orienting response to gravity.
對地心引力的一種定向反應。 residual gravity anomaly
剩余重力異常 This is an orienting response to gravity.
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