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垃圾桶的英文怎么說 參考例句

2023-06-15 09:55:34來源:勵普網


ash cart
garbage can
trash can

He walked over to an open trash bin, turned the container upside down, and dumped the contents inside.
他走到一個開著的垃圾桶邊,把箱子倒了一下,里面的書都倒了進去。She threw the leftovers in the garbage.
她把剩飯倒進垃圾桶。The trash can is behind the door.
垃圾桶在門后邊。Chuck it in the bin!
把它扔到垃圾桶里去!" Empty rubbish bin, wash out with soapy water and then place plastic bags in rubbish bins."
"倒垃圾桶并用肥皂水洗凈垃圾桶,然后把垃圾袋罩在垃圾桶內。"Throw all waste paper into the wastebin
把所有的廢紙丟進垃圾桶里。He dumped all the refuse into the garbage can.
他將全部垃圾倒入垃圾桶。He dumped all the refuse into the garbage can.
他將全部垃圾倒入垃圾桶。Tom crush the letter and throw it into the trash can.
湯姆把信揉成一團,扔進了垃圾桶。We found the abandoned kitty in a trash can.

n. 灰;灰燼;廢墟;骨灰;灰色,蒼白

Rise from the ashes
從毀滅中再生Marilyn has a face of ash.
瑪麗蓮有著蒼白的臉。The handle of the dagger was ash wood.

n. 二輪運貨馬車;手推車
v. 駕運貨馬車;用運貨車運送;用車裝載;費力搬運

Upset the apple cart.
美夢破滅。They were shoveling coal into a cart.
他們在把煤鏟進手推車。I harness the horse to the cart.

n. 垃圾箱;箱子;二進制
v. 扔掉:把…放入箱中

I have a bread bin.
我有個面包箱。Convert hex to bin.
將十六進制轉換成二進制。She scrunch it up and throw it in the bin.

相關內容: 垃圾桶的英文怎么說 勵普網


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