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大連的英文怎么說 大連的英文

2023-06-06 09:38:54來源:勵普網


(N) Dalian (city in Liaoning)

Da Lian is a seaside resort.
大連是海濱休假勝地。Central Dalian Rd.
大連中路Dalian is abundant in marine product.
大連的海產品很豐富。Dalian is famous for its tourism.
大連因其旅游業而著稱。Dalian is famous as a tourism city.
大連是個著名的旅游城市。Dalian is a beautiful seaside city on the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsular.
大連是遼東半島南端的一個美麗的海濱城市。I found Dalian has a significant feature.
我發現大連有一個特點。"The People’s Bank of China, Dalian Central Sub-Branch, Penglai Sub-Branch"
中國人民銀行大連市中心支行蓬萊支行Of the five linking lakes, the Third Lake is the largest and most picturesque, deep and teeming with aquatic life
五大連池中,以三池為最大,也最美。He goes backwards and forwards between Dalian and Shanghai twice a month.


Dalian is abundant in marine product.
大連的海產品很豐富。I found Dalian has a significant feature.
我發現大連有一個特點。By that time they should have fetched up in Dalian.

n. 都市,城市;特許市;全市居民;倫敦商業區;充滿...的地方

the city of York
約克特許市. beleaguer a city
圍攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.


The primary diamond zones is located in eastern Liaoning.
這個金剛石原生礦帶坐落于遼寧東部。A 51-year-old woman delivered twin daughters recently in Fushun of Liaoning Province.
最近,在遼寧撫順,51歲的老年婦女生了雙胞胎。 The big theatre has a broad stage, an orchestra pot with seating capacity of 100, a giant rotary, lift, extension stage, first-class lights and stereo set, which represent the highest standard among theatres in Shenyang and Liaoning area.

相關內容: 大連的英文怎么說 勵普網


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