2023-05-10 09:29:02來源:勵普網
最近這段時間總有小伙伴問小編投資理財入門 利率與通貨膨脹 是什么,小編為此在網上搜尋了一些有關于投資理財入門 利率與通貨膨脹 的知識送給大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。
Pay Attention to Taxes and Inflation
To paraphrase famed investor Warren Buffett, when it comes to measuring your investment results over time, the primary thing that matters is how many more hamburgers you can buy at the end of the day. In other words, focus on purchasing power.
It is amazing how few professional portfolio managers focus on pre-tax returns rather than after-tax returns or who ignore the rate of inflation.
Many trade frequently and although they may earn 9% to 12% for their investors over long periods of time, if those investors are in a high marginal tax bracket, the investors will end up with less wealth than they would have otherwise had if they had hired a more conservative manager who made 10% but who structured the investments with an eye towards April 15th. Why?
許多人交易頻繁,雖然長期內能為投資者賺到9%- 12%的收益率,但如果投資者要面臨高邊際稅率的話,最終賺到的錢還不如找一個更保守的投資管理人多,保守的管理人能賺到10%的收益率,但會以4月15日為目標進行投資。為什么會這樣?
In addition to the enormous cost savings that result from long-term investing (as opposed to short-term trading), there are several tax advantages. Here are some of them:
Short-term capital gains are taxed at personal income tax rates. In New York City, for example, Federal, State, and Local taxes on these types of short-term gains can meet or exceed 50%!
At the Federal level, the worst damage is presently 39.6%.
In contrast, long-term capital gains, or those generated from investments held for one year or longer, are typically taxed between 0% and 23.6% at the Federal level.
相比之下,聯邦層面的長期資本收益,或由一年或更長時間投資產生的收益,通常的稅率為0% -23.6%。
Unrealized gains are a sort of “float” on which you can continue to experience the benefit of compounding your money.
If you sell your investment to the move the money into a new stock, bond, mutual fund, or other investment, you are not only going to have to pay commissions, but you are going to have to give the tax man his cut of your profits.
That means the amount you have available to reinvest is going to be substantially lower than the amount shown on your balance sheet just before you liquidated the position.
That’s why the best investment minds, such as Benjamin Graham, said you should only consider switching out of one investment and into another if you think the new position is far more attractive than your current one.
In other words, it’s not enough for it to be a “little” more attractive - it needs to be absolutely evident to you.
To learn more about this topic, read Using Deferred Taxes to Increase Your Investment Returns.
為了了解更多這方面的內容,你可以讀一下《Using Deferred Taxes to Increase Your Investment Returns》。
Where and how you hold your investments can exert a significant influence on your ultimate compounding rate.
If you own shares of many different companies, some of these stocks are likely to pay large cash dividends, while others retain most profits to fund future expansion.
(To learn why this happens, read Determining Dividend Payout: When Should a Company Pay Dividends?).
(想要了解具體原因,請閱讀《Determining Dividend Payout: When Should a Company Pay Dividends?》)
Certain types of bonds, such as tax-free municipal bonds, can be exempt from taxes even when held in taxable accounts under the right conditions, while other types of interest income, such as those generated by corporate bonds held in an ordinary brokerage account, can be taxed at almost 50% by the time you add up Federal, state, and local taxation.
As a result, you need to pay careful attention to where, precisely, on your balance sheet specific assets are placed if you want to get the most from your money.
For example, you would never hold tax-free municipal bonds through a Roth IRA.
You would prioritize putting the dividend paying stocks in a tax shelter such as a Roth IRA and non-dividend stocks in an ordinary brokerage account.
Always, always, always contribute to your 401k at least up to the amount of your employer match. If your employer matches $1 for $1 on the first 3%, for example, you are instantly earning a 100% return on your money without taking any risk!
Even if you grab the matching money and park your 401(k) balance in something like a stable value fund, it's free cash.
Don't overlook the benefit of seemingly boring assets such as Series I savings bonds, which have some significant inflation advantages.
Internet giant Alibaba has set new sales records on Sunday for its biggest shopping day, the annual Singles Day.
The Chinese company hit a record $1bn in sales in 85 seconds, and then just shy of $10bn in the first hour of the 24-hour spree.
In total, customers spent $30.8bn, up 27% on last year, but the lowest annual increase in the history of Singles Day.
Online discounts have been offered on 11 November since 2009.
Alibaba Group chief executive Daniel Zhang said the spending bonanza demonstrated "customers’ continued pursuit to upgrade their everyday lifestyles".
It is now the world’s biggest online sales event and this year’s total was more than Black Friday and Cyber Monday’s totals combined, according to Bloomberg.
Some 180,000 brands are available in the shopping blitz, including top technology companies Xaomi, Apple and Dyson.
Last year, the Chinese company expanded the event to the Western market, with downloads of its app AliExpress surging in the US and UK.
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