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select的用法和短語例句意思 select的常用短語

2023-04-23 09:37:00來源:勵普網

最近這段時間總有小伙伴問小編select的用法和短語例句意思 select的常用短語是什么,小編為此在網上搜尋了一些有關于select的用法和短語例句意思 select的常用短語的知識送給大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。





  select的用法2:select只用作及物動詞,接名詞或代詞作賓語,也可接以“(to be/as+) n. ”或動詞不定式充當補足語的復合賓語。

  select的用法3:select不用于select sb sth 結構,若表示“為某人挑選”須使用select sth for sb 結構。



  用作動詞 (v.)

  select for (v.+prep.)

  select from (v.+prep.)


  1. The floorcovering you select will need to be impervious to water.


  2. A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.


  3. Christian Lacroix is throwing a very lavish and very select party.


  4. Select "Delete all" from the drop-down list.


  5. Be sure to select firm, unblemished fruit.


  6. Which place in the world would you select as your perfect home?

  你選擇世界上的什么地方作為你最理想的安家之地 呢 ?

  7. The book is a select collection of poetry from various authors.


  8. Come and help me select a good place for our camp.


  9. The captain needs a select crew for this dangerous voyage.


  10. We have over 30 beautiful designs to select from.


  11. Why didn"t you select a better subject for your composition?


  12. She lets her son select his own Christmas present.


  13. That school is very select.


  14. The boutique caters for a rather select clientele.


  15. She was very select in people she invites.




  Failure Is an Option, but Fear Is Not

  By Donald Latumahina (follow me on Twitter) , April 12, 2010

  That’s what James Cameron said at the end of his TED talk and I love it. It’s simple but powerful. Failure is an option, but fear is not.

  Unfortunately, people often do the exact opposite: failure is not an option, but fear is. They don’t tolerate failure but they tolerate fear. They despise people who fail but they let fear get in the way of reaching their dreams.

  We shouldn’t join them, of course. Let’s be on the right side of the fence.

  Failure Is an Option

  Here is how to apply this principle in your life:

  1. Make room for failure

  Nobody wants to fail, but failing is inevitable on your way to success. George Bernard Shaw said:

  A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

  So if you never fail then it probably means that you do nothing. Failing shows that you actually do something instead of just sitting in your comfort zone.

  2. Learn from each failure

  Though you need to make room for failure, you shouldn’t just fail. You need to fail intelligently. That means each failure should teach you something. Don’t just fail and get nothing out of it. Learn something from each failure that makes you better and better over time.

  3. Fail fast

  Time is precious, so if you failed then you’d better fail fast. Why? Because it will make you learn and improve faster. It will make you ready for the prime time sooner.

  The key here is to shorten your feedback cycle. Find a way to get quick feedback on your effort so that you can adjust yourself soon. What you need to do is testing your idea in the real world as soon as possible. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Instead, test it once it’s good enough and refine from there. The mantra of the open source world applies here: release early, release often.

  Fear Is Not an Option

  A big part of fear is fear of failure and that’s been covered above. Here are two more ways to apply this principle:

  1. Take risks

  Many people hesitate to work on something they aren’t familiar with because they are afraid of the unknown. But fear is not an option, so you should be willing to take risks. Explore new ideas. Experiment with new things. If you are successful, the reward could be huge. Even if you aren’t, you will still come out better than before.

  2. Do things you are inconvenient with

  Doing things you aren’t convenient with gives you the most opportunities for growth. Since you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, you will grow a lot. This isn’t easy to apply (for me, at least), but it’s something we should strive to do from time to time.


  Is there anything else you learn from James Cameron’s statement? How do you befriend failure and cast out fear?

  我喜歡James Cameron 在TED Talks中所說的這句話,他表達的簡單但有力。是的,你可以選擇失敗,但是不能選擇恐懼!





  沒有人想要失敗,但是在追求成功的途中,失敗不可避免。George Bernard Shaw 說過:相對于虛度的人生,有過錯誤的人生不僅僅更可敬,而且更有用。













  你有沒有從James Cameroon的演講中學習到其他的東西呢?你又是如何成為失敗的朋友并且脫離恐懼呢?

相關內容: select的用法和短語例句意思是什么


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