2023-04-06 10:29:57來源:勵普網
隨著社會越來越發達,大家都選擇在網絡上汲取相關知識內容,比如商務英語口語對話大全 商務英語接客口語,為了更好的解答大家的問題,小編也是翻閱整理了相應內容,下面就一起來看一下吧!
A:I think we should aim to help our employees learn to create interesting and dynamic powerpoint presentations that are more attractive.
B:And explore more convincing and effective ways to prepare PPT presentations, and adjust the presentation based on the audience’s size and purpose.
A:Do you communicate with your colleagues often and how?
B:Yes. We share corporate information together, exchange news and views. In most cases, we chat with each other, sometimes we email to each other.
A:Do you think it’s important for staff members to learn presentation skills?
B:Yes. Presentation skills are important in every profession but are considered of prime importance in the corporate world. Presentation skills are essential drivers of our activity, they ably assist us in putting our ideas across to other people and win understanding from them.
A:I really think if I can get my foot in the door at this company it will do wonders for my career. Do you think you can help me polish my interview style?
B:Sure. Doing your homework and preparing for an interview really pays off.
A:I’ve researched the company and think I’m perfect for the job but I’m not sure how to get it across to them.
B:Well first you have to have more confidence. Employers look for people who are interested, enthusiastic and sure of themselves.
A:I know I have what it takes but I’m worried that my work experience won’t be sufficient. Should I inflate my experience?
B:No, you should always be upfront and honest about your weaknesses. However by focusing on your strong points and maintaining a positive attitude about your abilities, you can take the attention off your lack of experience. Employers are always impressed by go-getters.
cost 成本
salary 工資
profit 利潤
meet 會面
discuss 商榷
group 集團
capatial 資本
credit 信用
dismiss 解雇
negotiate 談判
promotion 升職
transaction 交易
job-hopping 跳槽
competitive 有競爭力的
virtuous circle 良性循環
business report 商務報告
teleconferencing 電話會議
market fluctuation 市場波動
executive summaries 行政摘要
commercial correspondence 商務信函
Hope we can continue our cooperation.
We sincerely hope that discuss business with you.
Would you mind showing me your new products?
We look forward to further cooperation with your company.
We hope to receive your invitation as soon as possible.
In order to expand our overseas business, we have decided to cooperate with you.
The market situation is not steady, so we have to change our development strategy.
This month is underperforming, so our company"s profit fell by 20 percent this month.
Every manager of department send me work report to my email before next Monday.
Hope to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us within this cooperation.
We will deal with the other company this weekend. You need to make the contract and report in advance.
I am very glad to have the opportunity to visit your company and hope to have a smooth cooperation.
雅思 托福 GRE IB SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多鄰國英語測試 OSSD 英語四六級 出國英語 詞匯 AEAS 英語口語 商務英語 考研英語 青少英語 成人英語 個人提升英語 高中英語 劍橋英語 AP課程 一級建造師 二級建造師 消防工程師 消防設施操作員 BIM 造價工程師 環評師 監理工程師 咨詢工程師 安全工程師 建筑九大員 注冊電氣工程師 一級注冊建筑師 公路水運檢測 通信工程 裝配式工程師 二級注冊建筑師 智慧消防工程師 智慧建造工程師 全過程工程咨詢師 EPC工程總承包 碳排放管理師 初級會計師 中級會計師 注冊會計師(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金從業 證券從業 會計證 初中級經濟師 薪稅師 會計實操 企業合規師 FRM 會計就業 教師資格 食品安全管理師 人力資源管理 鄉村規劃師 心理咨詢師 健康管理師 家庭教育指導師 普通話 公共營養師 物流師 網絡主播 專利代理師 教師招聘 籃球 少兒編程 書法培訓 繪畫美術 音樂 舞蹈 棋類 國畫 樂器 機器人編程 小孩子注意力訓練 兒童專注力 兒童情緒管理 少兒小主播 信奧賽C++ 籃球 嵌入式培訓 軟件測試 Web前端 linux云計算 大數據 C/C++開發 電子商務 Java開發 影視后期 剪輯包裝 游戲設計 php 商業插畫 產品經理 Python photoshop UXD全鏈路 UI設計 室內設計 電商視覺設計 IT認證 PMP項目管理