2023-03-14 09:32:10來源:勵普網
最近小編看到大家都在討論Have to的用法都有哪些 have to的用法小結相關的事情,對此呢小編也是非常的感應興趣,那么這件事究竟是怎么發生的呢?具體又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小編搜索到的關于Have to的用法都有哪些 have to的用法小結事件的相關信息,我們一起來看一下吧!
ave to 是一個比較特殊的情態習語,雖然也具有情態動詞的功能,但卻與其他的情態動詞不同。它有人稱、數和時態的變化,其否定式和疑問式的構成方式也與情態動詞不一樣。同學們在使用have to 時必須弄清它的真面目,否則容易出錯。Have to的用法有哪些呢?本文是小編整理Have to的用法的資料,僅供參考。
have to表示客觀需要做的事情,意思是“必須”、“不得不”.后跟動詞原形,有人稱、
時態和數的變化,與情態動詞 must 近義.
一、 have to 的陳述句形式
A、 肯定式:have to + 動詞原形
1、 I have to tidy my room.我得整理房間.
2、 She has to help with the washing.她得幫忙洗衣服.
B、 否定式:don"t (doesn"t) + haveto + 動詞原形
1、You don"t have to go if you don"t want to.如果你不想去,你就不必去.
2、He doesn"t have to stay at home all day.他不必整天呆在家里.
二、have to 的一般疑問句形式及簡略答語
have to的一般疑問形式必須借助助動詞 do 或 does:
1、 Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看你妹妹么?
Yes,I do./ No,I don"t.是的,我得照看./不,我不必照看.
2、 Does Jim have to do his homework?吉姆必須做家庭作業么?
Yes,he does./ No,he doesn"t.是,他必須做./不,他不必做.
三、haveto 的特殊疑問句形式
1、 What do you have to do on Sundays?在星期天你得干什么?
2、 Why does she have to move to Paris?她為什么得遷往巴黎?
3、 Where do they have to work?他們必須在哪里工作?
四、haveto 可用于各種時態
A、一般現在時:I have to visit Mr Wang tomorrow.
B、一般過去時:That night we had to walk home because there was no bus.
C、一般將來時:We"ll have to ask Zhang Ming instead.
D、與may 連用:I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.
五、have to 與 must 的用法區別
A、 have to 比較強調客觀需要,而 must 著重說明主觀看法.
1、 My mother is ill.I have to look after her at home.
2、 You must finish your homework first.
B、 have to 有時態和人稱變化,而 must 則沒有.
1、 Mary has to water the trees.
2、 He must bring a picnic tomorrow.
C、must 有“推測”之意,而 have to 則沒有.
He must be in the classroom.
一、have to 與其他情態動詞一樣也是后接動詞原形,表示外界的
二、have to 可用于多種時態,而且不同時態使用不同的形式:一般現在時中,主語為第三人稱單數時用has to 一般過去時中,用 had to。 have to 還可以用在其他的情態動詞之后。例如: I have to do some washing. 我必須洗洗衣服。 She has to look after her little sister. 她不得不照顧她的小妹妹。 I had to do my homework last night. 昨晚我不得不做作業。 I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花園里幫他爸爸。
三、have to 的否定式和疑問式一般要借用助動詞do的適當形式構成。have to 的否定式是don’t have to; has to 的否定式是doesn’t have to; had to 的否定式是didn’t have to。have to的疑問式同樣也借用助動詞do的相應形式構成。例如: He doesn’t have to do the homework now. 他沒有必要現在做作業。 —Do I have to go there now? 我現在就得去那兒嗎? —Yes, you do. (No, you don’t have to.) 是的,你必須去。(不,你不必。) We didn’t have to answer the question yesterday. 昨天我們沒有必要回答這個問題。
1. We have to do it ourselves.
2. Does Mary have to study hard at English?
3. He had to get up early last Sunday.
4. You don’t have to worry about your lessons.
5.Peter was very tired and he had to sit down and have a rest.
6. He had to stay at home yesterday.
7.Hehad to run back to school to get his exercise-books.
8. Did you have to leave early?
9. I don’t have to stay in bed.
10.We have to listen to the teachers carefully.
(1)must表示“必須”,“應該”。否定式must not(mustn"t)表示“不應該”,“不許可”,“不準”,“禁止”等。在回答帶有must的問句時,否定式常用need not(needn"t)或don"t have to 表示“不必”,而不用must not (mustn"t)。 The work must be finished as soon as possible.這件工作必須盡快完成。 You mustn"t speak like that.你不能那樣說話。
—Must I be home before eight o"clock? 8點之前我必須回家嗎?
—Yes, you must./No, you needn"t./No, you don"t have to. 是的,必須回家。/不,不必了。
There must be some mistakes.肯定有一些錯誤。
You must be very tired.你一定很累了。
You must have left your umbrella in the theatre.你一定把雨傘丟在劇院里了。
His car is still here. He must have gone by bus.他的車還在這里,他一定乘公共汽車走了。
③當must表推測之意時,其否定形式常用can not而不用must not。
He can"t have been to your home. He doesn"t know your address.他不可能到過你家,因為他不知道你的住址。
What can he be doing at this time of night?夜晚都到這個時候了,他究竟在干什么呢?
You must catch cold if you don"t put on more clothes.如果你不多穿些衣服,必然感冒。
All men must die.人固有一死。
Truth must be out.真相總會大白。
(4)have to表示“必須”,“不得不”,在這個意義上與must很接近,但must表示的是說話人的主觀看法,而have to 表示的卻是客觀需要。
I have to go now.我得走了。(客觀需要)
I must go now.我必須走。(主觀看法)
You have to work hard to make a living.為了謀生你就得努力工作。(客觀需要)
You must do what I tell you.你必須按照我告訴你的去做。(主觀要求)
(5)have to 有更多的時態形式:現在時,過去時,將來時等,而must只有現在時形式。
We had to be there at 8.我們得8點到那里。
I shall have to go to school tomorrow.明天我得去上學了。
(6)have to 不能代替表推測的must,但在虛擬條件句中用had had to+動詞原形表示與過去相反的情況。
You must be joking.你一定是在開玩笑。(不能用have to)
If I had had to do the work, I should have done it in a different way.
If I had had to run the factory, I would have had it run by able men.如果我得管理那家工廠的話,我就會讓能人來管。(不能用must)
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