2023-03-13 09:25:12來源:勵普網
關于經營理念英語怎么說英文是什么 經營用英語怎么說的知識大家了解嗎?以下就是小編整理的關于經營理念英語怎么說英文是什么 經營用英語怎么說的介紹,希望可以給到大家一些參考,一起來了解下吧!
operation philosophy
management idea
核心經營理念 Central Idea
經營理念創新 innovation of the management theo-ry
零售業經營理念 Retailing philosophy
人性化經營理念 Humane Business Philosophy
優良服務經營理念 Good Service Business Philosophy
質量經營理念 Quality And Business Philosophy
1. Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their business philosophy.
是的, 他們讓我走. 因為我不同意他們的經營理念.
2. Our development is originated from untiring pursuit and unceasing innovation.
3. Our company adheres to the philosophy of people - oriented and quality live.
4. Business philosophy: " Casting the quality of integrity, and the times rolling. "
經營理念: “ 以誠信鑄造品質, 與時代同步滾動. ”
5. What is the basic philosophy and values of VDS?
6. Quality, service is our intention has always insisted the business philosophy.
品質優良 、 用心服務是我們一直堅持的經營理念.
7. Business philosophy: honesty and trustworthiness , close to market value and performance.
經營理念: 誠實守信 、 緊貼市場、精益求精.
8. ENE IT management: quality first, customers first, market - oriented and customer - core.
易安易科技的經營理念: 品質第一 、 顧客至上 、 市場為導向、客戶為核心.
9. How will you summarize the management philosophy in a sentence?
10. Pursuance excellence and continuous innovation is the sprite of our factory.
11. Jinlangri business philosophy: only professional title, not all - around runner - up .
金朗日經營理念: 只做專業冠軍, 不做全能 亞軍.
12. Our business Philosophy: creating perfect car life, people oriented, faithful service.
我們的經營理念: 創造完善的車居生活, 以人為本, 誠信服務.
13. Domestic first - class billiard table, the domestic first - class management, the domestic first - class environment.
國內 一流 臺球球桌, 國內 一流 經營理念, 國內 一流 場所環境.
14. Our service - oriented, good faith and reasonable price for our business philosophy.
我們以服務至上 、 誠信為本、價格合理,為我們的經營理念.
15. Our enterprise seeks survival with quality and innovates to urge development.
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