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位置:勵普教育 > 英語 > 個人提升英語 > 即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞 即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞  正文

即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞 即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞

2023-03-06 14:27:46來源:勵普網

哈嘍小伙伴們 ,今天給大家科普一個小知識。在日常生活中我們或多或少的都會接觸到即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞 即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞方面的一些說法,有的小伙伴還不是很了解,今天就給大家詳細的介紹一下關于即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞 即刻出發英文版Halo歌詞的相關內容。


  摘要:"Halo"是美國著名歌手Beyonce(碧昂絲)于2008年11月18日發行的雙碟概念專輯《I Am...Sasha Fierce》中的歌曲,是抒情《I Am》碟中的第二首歌曲,也是專輯的第二波主打單曲。

  Remember those walls I built

  Well baby they"re tumbling down

  And they didn"t even put up a fight

  They didn"t even make a sound

  I found a way to let you in

  But I never really had a doubt

  Standing in the light of your halo

  I got my angel now

  It"s like I"ve been awakened

  Every rule I had you breakin"

  It"s the risk that I"m takin"

  I ain"t never gonna shut you out

  Everywhere I"m looking now

  I"m surrounded by your embrace

  Baby I can see your halo

  You know you"re my saving grace

  You"re everything I need and more

  It"s written all over your face

  Baby I can feel your halo

  Pray it won"t fade away

  I can feel your halo (halo) halo

  I can see your halo (halo) halo

  I can feel your halo (halo) halo

  I can see your halo (halo) halo


  Hit me like a ray of sun

  Burning through my darkest night

  You"re the only one that I want

  Think I"m addicted to your light

  I swore I"d never fall again

  But this don"t even feel like falling

  Gravity can"t forget

  To pull me back to the ground again

  Feels like I"ve been awakened

  Every rule I had you breakin"

  The risk that I"m takin"

  I"m never gonna shut you out

  Everywhere I"m looking now

  I"m surrounded by your embrace

  Baby I can see yourhalo

  You know you"re my saving grace

  You"re everything I need and more

  It"s written all over your face

  Baby I can feel yourhalo

  Pray it won"t fade away

  I can feel yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can see yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can feel yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can see yourhalo(halo)halo

  Halooooo ouuuu

  Halooooo ouuuu

  Ouuuuu ouuuuu ouuuuu

  Everywhere I"m looking now

  I"m surrounded by your embrace

  Baby I can see yourhalo

  Pray it won"t fade away

  I can feel yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can see yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can feel yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can see yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can feel yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can see yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can feel yourhalo(halo)halo

  I can see yourhalo(halo)halo

相關內容: 即刻 出發 英文版 Halo 歌詞 摘要 Halo 美國 著名 歌手 Beyonce


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