2023-02-16 09:16:50來源:勵普網
最近小編看到大家都在討論光彩第二街英文版歌詞 歌曲名相關的事情,對此呢小編也是非常的感應興趣,那么這件事究竟是怎么發生的呢?具體又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小編搜索到的關于光彩第二街英文版歌詞 歌曲名事件的相關信息,我們一起來看一下吧!
摘要:該歌曲名實為《The Rain》,原唱為80年代美國R&B歌手Oran “Juice” Jones 紅極一時的作品。《The Rain》在1986年Billboard Hot 100單曲榜單排位#9。之后,該歌曲被Samira翻唱,并加入電子曲風,混合著爵士樂的慵懶回轉,令人耳目一新,最終榮登2005年十大慢搖歌曲,至今廣為流傳。
I Saw You Walking In The Rain(光彩第二街-英文版)
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
You were holding hands
and I\"ll never be the same.
Tossing and turning another sleepless night
The rain crashes against my window pane
Jumped into my car didn\"t drive too far
That moment I knew I would never be the same.
Now here you are begging to me
To give our love another try
Girl I love you and I always will
But darling right now I\"ve got to say goodbye \"Cause
(I saw you)
Hey hey baby how ya doin\" come on in here
(Walking in the rain)
Got some hot chocolate on the stove waiting for you
Listen first things first let me hang up the coat
(You were holding hands and I\"ll)
Yeah how was your day today
Did you miss me
(Never be the same)
You did? Yeah? I missed you too
I missed you so much I followed you today
(I saw you)
That\"s right now close your mouth
\"Cause you cold busted
(Walking in the rain)
Now just sit down here, sit down here
I\"m so upset with you I don\"t know what to do
(You were holding hands and I\"ll)
You know my first impulse was to run up on you
And do a Rambo
(Never be the same)
I was about to jam you and flat blast both of you
But I didn\"t wanna mess up
this thirt-seven hundred dollar lynx coat
So instead I chilled -- That\"s right chilled
I called up the bank and took out every dime.
Than I cancelled all your credit cards...
I stuck you up for every piece of jewelery
I ever bought you!
Don\"t go lookin\" in that closet
\"cause everything you came here with
is packed up and waiting for you in the guest room.
What were you thinking?
You don\"t mess with the Juice!
I gave you silk suits, blue diamonds and gucci handbags.
I gave you things you couldn\"t even pronounce!
But now I can\"t give you nothing but advice.
Cause you\"re still young, yeah, you\"re young.
And you\"re gonna find somebody like me one of these days
Until then, you know what you gotta do?
You gotta get on outta here
with that alley-cat-coat-wearing,
punch-bucket-shoe-wearing crumbcake I saw you with.
Cause youdismissed!
That\"s right, Silly rabbit,
tricks are made for kids, don\"t you know that.
You without me is like corn flakes without the milk!
This is my world.
You\"re just a squirrel trying to get a nut!
Now get on outta here.
Scat! Don\"t touch that coat...
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