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位置:勵普教育 > 英語 > 個人提升英語 > 優秀的英語b級作文 英語范文  正文

優秀的英語b級作文 英語范文

2023-02-15 08:47:56來源:勵普網

最近小編看到大家都在討論優秀的英語b級作文 英語范文相關的事情,對此呢小編也是非常的感應興趣,那么這件事究竟是怎么發生的呢?具體又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小編搜索到的關于優秀的英語b級作文 英語范文事件的相關信息,我們一起來看一下吧!




  Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.

  你想在課余時間參加職業技術培訓,現給菲亞特公司去信了解該公司職業維修中心(vocation repair center)的情況。內容如下:

  1) 了解汽車修理培訓課程;喜歡擺弄汽車,并想成為一名機械師;

  2) 準備參加9月至12月的一期;因為周一至周五學校要上課,只能周末參加培訓;

  3) 索取詳盡資料及申請表。


  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I am writing to ask for information about training courses in automobile repair that your Vocation Repair Center offers. I enjoy working with cars and would like to train to be a mechanic.

  I would like to take the course from September to December but I can only study in the evenings because I have a full?time learning course in my college.

  I would appreciate if you send me details and an application form.

  Yours sincerely,

  Jiang Peng

  Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


  你是總經理托馬斯先生辦公室的秘書Janet Dikinson。1月11日艾倫先生給總經理來了一封信??偨浝硗獬?,現由你代總經理給艾倫先生回信如下:






  Dear Mr. Allen,

  Thank you for your letter of January 11 to Mr. Thomas.

  Mr. Thomas is away from the office on vacation.

  Since he will not be back for three weeks, I am passing this letter along to Mr. Lawrence, assistant manager, who, I believe will enjoy reading your letter and give you some information you need.

  Sincerely yours,

  Janet Dikinson

  From Manager’s Office




  Words for reference:

  技術學院 Technical College

  企業管理 Business Administration

  速記與打字 shorthand and typing

  June 25th, 2012

  Application Letter

  My name is Wang Manli, 24 years old, graduating from Longjiang Technical College. I major in Business Administration and get an excellent achievement in all my lessons. I have ever learned shorthand and typing and the speed of each is 90 words and 70 words per minute respectively. I hope to be the secretary of the general manager of your company.

  Looking forward to receiving your reply.

  Sincerely yours,

  Wang Manli



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