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設計方案用英語怎么說 設計方案的英語例句

2023-02-10 08:41:19來源:勵普網

提起設計方案用英語怎么說 設計方案的英語例句大家在熟悉不過了,被越來越多的人所熟知,那你知道設計方案用英語怎么說 設計方案的英語例句嗎?快來和小編一起去了解一下吧!




  design plan


  design proposal


  基本設計方案 basic design scheme ; General System Design

  執行設計方案 The design of the Program

  大廳設計方案 Hall design ; Hall designed program

  衛生間設計方案 Bathroom design ; bathroom design program

  產品設計方案 Product design project ; Product Design program

  廚房設計方案 Kitchen design ; kitchen design program


  1. The designer must consider this factor in the layout.


  2. The two plans must be harmonized, though they seem so different.

  這兩個設計方案雖然看起來不同, 但它們必定是一致的.

  3. He harmonized the two plans by using parts from each one.


  4. There are only subtle differences between the two designs.


  5. Breeders tend to rely on tested treatment and storage schedules and on reasonably prompt sowing.


  6. Bid documents indicated two alternative designs, one in steel and one in concrete.

  投標文件中提出了兩種設計方案, 一種是鋼結構,另一種是混凝土結構.

  7. It provides a logical and organized framework for creating a design solution.


  8. And I raise some proposals and relative solutions about fuel tax"s initiation. "

  提出了 開征 燃油稅的設計方案及配套措施.

  9. The controls y stem"s hardware and software design wasand discussed.


  10. The general design of continuous casting for roll cladding is got.


  11. Create and complete the necessary graphic design programs to promote localization.


  12. Through practice certification tests system design and key technologies.


  13. Finally, EPG software is implemented on STi 5518 silicon platform by the above design.


  14. With CITIC, nothing is impossible. You will find the best suitable travel plan.

  只有想不到的, 沒有做不到的. 我們為您提供最合適的出游設計方案.

  15. Here we are introduced to the four major essential design.


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