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愛你在心口難開英文版歌詞 歌曲介紹

2023-01-30 09:41:08來源:勵普網

提起愛你在心口難開英文版歌詞 歌曲介紹大家在熟悉不過了,被越來越多的人所熟知,那你知道愛你在心口難開英文版歌詞 歌曲介紹嗎?快來和小編一起去了解一下吧!


  歌曲介紹:《More Than I Can Say》(《愛你在心口難開》即香港藝人許冠英粵語歌曲蝦妹共你的英文原版),是杰瑞·埃利森(Jerry Allison)和桑尼·庫爾梯斯(Sonny Curtis)創作的,產生于60年代初期,開始是由Bobby Vee 在1971年唱紅的,后來Leo Sayer于1980將之重新詮釋。此曲因此成為80年代戀情男女吐露心聲的抒情經典。1980年分別獲得金唱片獎第二名、美國排行榜6周亞軍、成人抒情榜3周冠軍和英國榜亞軍單曲。

  more than i can say

  歌手:J.I. Allison/Sonny Curtis

  Oh oh yeah yeah

  I love you more than I can say

  I love you twice as much tomorrow

  I love you more than I can say

  Oh oh yeah yeah

  I'll miss you every single day

  Why must my life be filled with sorrow

  I love you more than I can say

  Don't you know I need you so

  Tell me please I gotta know

  Do you mean to make me cry

  Am I just another guy

  Oh oh yeah yeah

  I miss you more that I can say

  Why must my life be filled with sorrow

  I love you more than I can say

  Don't you know I need you so

  Please tell me I gotta know

  Do you mean to make me cry

  Or am I just another guy

  Oh oh yeah yeah

  I love you more than I can say

  I love you twice as much tomorrow

  I love you more than I can say

  I love you more than I can say

  I love you more than I can say

  Ooh, I love you more than I can say

  Ooh, I love you more than I can say

  Ooh, I love you twice as much tomorrow

  Ooh, I love you twice as much tomorrow



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