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位置:勵普教育 > 英語 > 個人提升英語 > 英語幽默笑話7篇  正文


2023-01-13 09:51:03來源:勵普網




  英語笑話一:Is he dying?

  A man was sitting in a bar with tears streaming down his face. A friend walked in and asked why he was so unhappy. The weeping one said, The doctor has just told me I'll have to take these tablets for the rest of my life.

  Cheerfully, his friend pointed out that many people have to take tablets every day of their life. Sure, came the reply, but he only gave me ten.



  英語笑話二:The blonde and the farmer

  There was a blonde that was so sick of blonde jokes she died her hair red. The jokes stopped and she felt so good, she took a ride in the country one Saturday afternoon. While on this ride, she noticed a flock of sheep and stopped the car to take&n......。


  英語笑話三:太晚了 It's Too Late

  A medical student was called on to state how much of a certain drug he would give to a patient. He promptly replied: "Five grains."

  A minute later the student asked the professor, "May I correct my answer?" The professor looked at his watch and said: "It's too late. Your patient died thirty seconds ago."



  英語笑話四:The Fish Net

  Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?

  “你能告訴我魚網是什么做的嗎,安?” 老師發問道。

  A lot of little holes tied together with strings. replied the little girl.


  英語笑話五:腦移植 A Brain Transplant

  The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant.

  "You have your choice of two brains," he told the patient, "For $1000 you can have the brain of a psychologist, or for $10,000 you can have the brain of a politician."

  The patient was amazed at the huge difference in price. "Is the brain of a politician that much better?" he asked.

  The Brain Surgeon replied, "No, it’s not better, just unused."






  A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The driver says: "Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen."


  The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me." The man says: "You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you."



  A woman whose husband often came home drunk decided to cure him of the habit. One Halloween night, she put on a devil suit and hid behind a tree to intercept him on the way home.


  When her husband came by, she jumped out and stood before him with her red horns, long tail, and pitchfork.


  "Who are you?" he asked.


  "I'm the Devil!" she responded.


  "Well, come on home with me," he said, "I married your sister!"


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