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cams是什么意思 cams的雙語例句

2022-12-04 16:38:19來源:勵普網

隨著社會越來越發達,大家都選擇在網絡上汲取相關知識內容,比如cams是什么意思 cams的雙語例句,為了更好的解答大家的問題,小編也是翻閱整理了相應內容,下面就一起來看一下吧!




  abbr. calmodulins 鈣調節素,鈣調蛋白;


  abbr. cellular adhesion molecules 細胞粘附分子; chorioallantoic membranes 絨毛膜尿囊膜; cystic adenomatoid malformations 囊性腺瘤樣畸形; cancer-associated markers 癌癥相關標記;


  [醫][=computer-assisted monitoring system]計算機輔助監護系統;


  [人名] 卡恩斯;


  Using Web cams and computer screens is an extension of that, she said.


  "We"re kind of smarter than some college students, " says CAMS senior Larry Pang, who takesuniversity physics and a macroeconomics course.


  Using Web cams and computer screens is an extension of that, she said.


  Web cams allow owners to peek in on their pet, day or night.


  And Microsoft is giving every one of them the tools and its blessing to build new applications withthose cams.


  The SEALs were not wearing helmet cams contrary to a widely cited report by CBS.


  The cams let the rest of the world, the non-scientists, in on the fun.


  She compared monitoring technology for elderly people to the infamous “nanny cams” — hiddencameras some parents use to spy on their children’s baby sitters.


  She"s now experimenting with web cams.


  However, nanny-cams have become very affordable products and when it comes to protectingyour children …the nanny-cam can be a solid investment.


  Actually, these parents tend to be having a set of nanny-cams installed throughout the residence to best track the nanny and to record (literally) what she does or does not due whenon duty.


  I tried a wide variety of hardware, including printers, Web cams, external hard disks andcameras, and nearly all worked fine.


  But unlike the usual point and shoot pocket cams, the Sanyo boasts some serious specs, including a 3x optical zoom lens.


  Maharashtra’s state public health minister, Suresh Shetty, proposed using spy-cams to catchdoctors.


  CAMS, which serves a diverse student body that includes many immigrant and low-incomestudents, is known for its demanding academic program.


  Anytime you hear any squeaking or creaking lube your axles and cams to see if it clears up thenoise.



  1. The Cams were different, and so he liked it here.

  曹家的人是個例外, 所以他喜歡在這兒.

  2. There are nanny cams hidden throughout this entire house. All right?

  房子里安了很多隱蔽的攝像頭懂 嗎 ?

  3. Avoid placements where the cams are fully open or tightly closed.


  4. An engine shaft fitted with a cam or cams.

  凸輪軸與一個或多個""."凸".""""."輪". ""相配的機器軸.

  5. This is due to the special profile shape of the cams.


  6. And they come with built - in Web cams, a common feature on netbooks.

  它們都內 置 網絡攝像頭, 這也是上網本的常見功能.

  7. Nine first three foot sunbird Wuhan web cams are anticipating you!


  8. According to Sultex, the sley drive by complementary cams optimizes sley dwell.

  據蘇爾壽介紹, 由補充鑲板驅動的筘座優化了筘座靜止時間.

  9. Substitutes damaged guide bolts and cams.


  10. Lubricates guide bolts asas guiding cams.


  11. Each unit has a pair of cams, with an anti - friction roller for each cam.

  每兩對凸輪之間有一定的間隔,每一組凸輪中包括一對凸輪, 每個凸輪對應一個減摩轉子.

  12. It uses three eccentric cams as locators and an eccentric cam as clamps.


  13. The measurement and error evaluation of cams in CNC measuring center is researched in this paper.


  14. Bootie - Gear ( nuts , cams , etc. ) that was left behind a climb by the previous party.

  以前的攀爬者在攀登線路上留下的攀登裝備 ( 巖塞 、 機械塞等 )

  15. The metal shaft, called the camshaft, typically has individual cams for each valve in the engine.

  那金屬軸叫凸輪軸, 在發動機里的每個氣門一般有各自的凸輪.



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