發布時間:2022-11-15 16:09:56來源:勵普網
瑜伽體式 Asana ; A ; Yog-Asana ; YOGA ASANAS
理療瑜伽 Yoga Physical ; Yoga therapy ; Physiastrics yoga ; Yoga Physicing
瑜伽日志 Yoga Journal
三維瑜伽 Triyoga
球瑜伽 Fitball Yoga ; yaga ball
1. Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system.
2. Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate.
3. A study of yoga leads naturally to meditation.
4. She found peace through yoga and meditation.
5. Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
6. He attends regular yoga classes.
7. I do two hours yoga every day.
8. It"s better to do yoga in bare feet.
9. Astanga Yoga is a therapeutic physical exercise that focuses on breathing and relaxation.
10. She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing.
11. On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.
12. Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
13. She found peace through yoga and meditation.
14. She"s into yoga and gardening.
15. My yoga lesson begins in five minutes.
It’s one of the most oppressively hot and humid days of the year, and Joan Fessler is in a room where the heat is cranked up to 36.5 degrees. On purpose.
While everyone else is searching for ways to cool off, devotees of "hot yoga" spend class sweating through a series of stretches and poses in a room designed to be even hotter than Africa in the summer.
每個人都在尋找防暑降溫的辦法, 但“熱瑜伽”的信徒卻在房間里通過一系列的拉伸運動和姿勢,讓自己大量出汗。那些特殊設計的房間甚至比黑非洲還要熱。
"It"s difficult to explain.... You"re so at peace. It"s well worth the suffering," Fessler said after a recent workout at Bikram Yoga Baltimore, a studio in Cockeysville, Maryland.
In the Cockeysville yoga studio, instructors crank up the temperature and keep the humidity level in the 30 percent to 40 percent range, which is ideal for Bikram yoga, a series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises.
在科基斯維爾瑜伽室,瑜伽師將溫度調高,并將濕度保持在30%至40 %以內。這對要完成26個姿勢和兩次呼吸練習的高溫瑜伽練習者而言是最理想的鍛煉條件。
About 20 people attended a recent noon class and within the first few minutes, everyone is sweating. It starts as beads of perspiration on foreheads. But most of them are drenched in sweat by the time the class members twist their arms and legs into the "eagle" pose.
Although it is known for being challenging, the Bikram style is helpful to those with joint problems and back pain.
"This kind of sweating is cleansing," an instructor says. "Your body starts to crave it."
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