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變色龍的英文單詞 變色龍的英文例句

發布時間:2022-10-19 16:38:10來源:勵普網



  變色龍 [biàn sè lóng]






  Do things you enjoy instead of being a chameleon.


  We act like chameleons who want to look exactly the same as their environment.


  The chameleon is a reptile that mainly lives in tropical zones.


  The eyes of anole can be versatile.


  The chameleonlike nature of a morphware processor retains many advantages.



  Some chameleons can change color in as little as five minutes.


  The feet and tail of the chameleon are also special.


  Do you know that chameleons have a secret weapon?


  The chameleon can take on the colour of its background.


  The length of a anole tongue is two times longer than its body.

  Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background 他就像一條變色龍,可以神不知鬼不覺地隱藏在背景中間。

  The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings 變色龍變換顏色以適應環境

  The chameleon"s skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings 變色龍的皮膚可隨環境的模式而改變顏色

  Anna: It changed colours, like chameleon, it uses the jungle 安娜: 它會變色, 像變色龍同樣, 用叢林作掩護

  An absolutely new Chameleon truck was designed just in the same way 一款全新的變色龍卡車就是由此設計出來的

  The eyes of the chameleon are even more remarkable 變色龍的眼睛則更了不起了

  A theatrical chameleon, Kidman even wore a prosthetic nose for the movie 堪稱戲劇變色龍的妮可?基德曼,甚至在本片中戴上假鼻子

  The chameleon can take on the colour of its background 變色龍可呈現出與其背景相同的顏色

  Look at this guy Too cool to be a chameleon 看看人家這位,多英武! 做變色龍實在委屈了!

  The chameleon on the mirror is a completely open system 鏡子上的變色龍是一個完全開放的系統

  The ways you can use Chameleon is unlimited 該方法可讓您使用變色龍是無限的

  A chameleon is a kind of lizard 變色龍是一種蜥蜴

  What is a chameleon? 變色龍是什么樣的動物呢 ?

  Chameleon: You look like the enemy! 變色龍: 你看起來像個敵人!

  The chameleon rambled slowly down the branch 那只變色龍沿著枝條慢慢往下爬

  He really is a chameleon 他真的是一條變色龍呢

  The eyes of anole can be versatile 變色龍的眼睛可以轉動

  He is something of a political chameleon 他有點像政治上的變色龍

  Brenda: My manager is a real chameleon 布蘭達: 我的經理真是只變色龍

  A military sand dragon poses in the red sands of Australia"s Alice SpringsDesert Park 澳大利亞艾利斯泉沙漠公園的紅沙灘上出現一只身著“迷彩服”的變色龍

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