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circle是什么意思 circle的英語例句

發布時間:2022-10-10 16:51:39來源:勵普網





  英 ["s??kl]     美 ["s??rkl]





  The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire.


  A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.


  He has a large circle of friends.



  He is part of an exclusive social circle and belongs to an exclusive club.


  We"ve booked seats in the circle.


  收起用作動詞 (v.)

  Someone had circled the next paragraph in red.


  Our army circled the desperate enemy and wiped them out in a second.


  The plane circled the airport before landing.


  The moon circles the earth every 28 days.


  The novel has reached a wide circle of readers 機器發音 這本小說已擁有廣泛的讀者群。

  Are we going to sit in the circle or in the stalls? 機器發音 我們是坐樓座還是正廳前排的座位?

  The reading circle had ceased its activities long ago 機器發音 這個讀書會早已停止了活動。

  She first drew a circle on the board 機器發音 她首先在板上畫了一個圓。

  He occupies a prominent position in the literary circles in the capital 機器發音 他在首都文學界占有突出的地位。

  Listen to the four choices, and then draw a circle under the right one 機器發音 聽四個選擇項,然后在正確的下面畫一個圈。

  It is time to take a positive step to break the vicious circle 機器發音 現在是采取積極步驟來打擊這個犯罪團伙的時候了。

  We"ve booked seats in the circle 機器發音 我們預訂了樓廳包廂的座位。

  He is well-known in academic circles 機器發音 他在學術界很有名。

  I was welcomed to the family circle 機器發音 那一家人都歡迎我。

  It"s January 1st, the year has come full circle 機器發音 今天是元旦,一年又周而復始。

  He drinks to forget his problems, which center on being in debt, but the money he spends on drink only gets him deeper in debt, and so on—it"s a vicious circle 機器發音 為了忘卻煩惱他喝酒,而煩惱的中心又是欠債,但他喝酒花費的錢只能使他負債更多,如此下去——那真是惡性循環。

  The house lay in a circle of trees 機器發音 這房子坐落在樹木環抱之中。

  There is a vicious circle going on—prosperity, surplus, depression 機器發音 繁榮——過剩——蕭條,一個惡性循環正在進行。

  She confined her activities in educational circles 機器發音 她把她的各項活動都限制在教育圈內。

  He has a large circle of friends 機器發音 他朋友多,交際廣。

  They saw the birds were circling again 機器發音 他們看見鳥兒在盤又旋。

  Rumors circled through the town 機器發音 謠言傳遍全鎮。

  A number of planes were circling overhead 機器發音 數架飛機在上空盤旋。

  The moon circles the earth 機器發音 月亮圍繞地球轉。

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