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電子商務英語怎樣說 電子商務的英語例句

發布時間:2022-10-10 16:45:43來源:勵普網




  electronic balance


  Electronic scale


  國際電子商務師 Certified International E-Commerce Specialist

  電子商務管理 Electronic Business Management

  電子商務技術 E-Business Technologies

  電子商務時代 E-commerce age

  電子商務網站 e-commerce website

  電子商務解決方案 e-commerce solutions


  1. The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically.


  2. As we move into broadband, a wide range of e-commerce services will become available.


  3. 19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets.


  4. I don"t know anything about e - commerce .

  關于 電子商務 我什么都不知道.

  5. Pete Wilson , the governor, bought a Mickey Mouse toy for his secretary"s new baby through e - commerce .

  皮特·威爾遜 州長通過 電子商務 郵件給他秘書剛出生的寶貝買了一個米老鼠玩具.

  6. Electronic commerce in now ages, world logistics industry contain new development trend.

  在當今的電子商務時代, 全球物流產業有了新的發展趨勢.

  7. If I were a tycoon, I would invest more money on e - commerce .

  如果我是大款, 我會投資很多資金在 電子商務 里.

  8. Of an enterprise, e - commerce is a new means of operation.

  對一個企業來說, 電子商務 是一種新的經營手段.

  9. Since 2003, MOFCOM has been compiling the annual China Report on E - commerce .

  商務部自2003年起每年組織撰寫《中國 電子商務 發展報告》.

  10. Take the lead in identifying potential E - commerce opportunities with key suppliers.

  率先與主要供應商確定潛在的 電子商務 機遇.

  11. Online games have been a highly profitable e - application in recent years.

  近年來,線上游戲已成為高獲利的 電子商務.

  12. Information, Hi 2000 is a typical e - commerce industry, Hangzhou, the local community site.

  資料顯示, 網盛科技是一家典型的杭州本土 電子商務 行業網站.

  13. Boost your ROI on your marketing, sales and e - commerce activities.

  提升企業在營銷 、 銷售以及 電子商務 活動的投資回報.

  14. The e - commerce world has changed since July, 1995, when Amazon was born.

  自亞馬孫公司1995年7月誕生以來, 電子商務 世界發生了巨大變化.

  15. There exists no widely accepted definition for electronic commerce.


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