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音頻用英語怎么說 音頻的英語例句

發布時間:2022-10-07 20:47:49來源:勵普網






  audio frequency


  音頻輸出 Audio out ;

  音頻中心 audio center

  音頻頻率 audio frequency

  數字音頻 digital audio ; digiting audio ;

  音頻響應 audio response ; audio frequency response ;

  音頻信道 audiochannel ; voice frequency channel ; sound channel ; audiofrequency channel

  超音頻 ultrasonic frequency ; supersonic frequency ; super-audio ; audio


  1. DAB is the radio system of the 21st Century.


  2. Its frequency response has to be flat over the whole audio range.


  3. They hailed the advances audio has made.


  4. These can also be very useful when navigating time - based documents, such as video and audio.

  它對于和時間有關的文檔非常有用, 比如視頻和音頻文檔.

  5. Often, the meeting is recorded on audio or video media for later reference.


  6. Then we"ll break at the place with video / audio surveillance. OK?

  我們就在那兒裝上視頻音頻監控好嗎 ?

  7. We digitize all the audio, including the radio calls.

  我們分析了所有音頻, 包括無線呼叫.

  8. Captures video, audio, or still images using the Capture Wizard.

  使用“捕獲向導”捕獲視頻 、 音頻或靜止圖像.

  9. JMC to provide online and sharing video and audio downloads!

  提供J. M. C有關的在線觀看的視頻以及音頻分享下載!

  10. Set the output audio channel, audio bit rate and audio frequency.

  設定輸出聲道, 音頻比特率和音頻.

  11. A service utilizing lines capable of carrying voice transmission.


  12. Synchronization is an important problem of digital audio watermarking.


  13. Purpose: TV vertical output, audio output driver and general purpose amplifier applications.

  用途: 用于電視場輸出, 音頻放大驅動級及一般放大.

  14. The main lines are full range of audio and video products.


  15. The video and audio signals might be compressed during transmission or not.


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