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發布時間:2022-10-05 19:48:42來源:勵普網


  閱讀作為英語學習的基本技能之一 ,在英語學習過程中起著非常重要的作用 ,是提高綜合能力、學好英語的重要途徑。


  中國醫院用電擊療法治網癮 印度網友大呼可怕

  At a time when the internet seems to have become as integral to humanity as air, water and food, there is a large debate on its benefits up against its demerits.


  In East China’s Shandong province though, there’s no debate – just electroshock therapy.


  An internet addiction treatment centre in Linyl has shocked the world after it was revealed that in its now infamous Room 13, patients have been receiving electroshocks to rid them of their ‘addiction’ to the internet.


  State-run Global Times reported that over 6000 inmates – most of whom are teenagers – have been kept here since 2006.


  What is even more shocking than the revelations of shock therapy being used is that the center was already banned from conduting the procedure in 2009 by the then Ministry of Health.


  This month it was revealed that the center was still carrying out the procedure, this time under a new name – low-frequency-pulse- electronic acupunctre.





  The idea is to rationalize Chinese assistance for people who are affected by floods almost every year in Pakistan’s Gilgit Baltistan and other areas falling in I Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, observers said. Chinese troops often go to the disputed areas, which is claimed by India, in the plea that they are helping out flood victims for humanitarian reasons.


  The Pakistani aircraft brought in 22 tons on rice to the Wuhan airport, state media said. The aid supply came more than three weeks after the floods ended in Hubei on July 31. Pakistan is a beneficiary of a $46 billion project sanctioned by Chinese president Xi .. for building an economic corridor passing through the country and ending in Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea.


  This is possibly the first time China has received assistance from Pakistan. Given China’s superior economic conditions it has no need for rice donations from a relatively poor country like Pakistan. Besides, the normal Chinese diet comprises of small grain sticky rice which is entirely different from the kind of rice produced in Pakistan.


  Observers said the purpose is to enhance Pakistan’s image among ordinary Chinese.




  The United States and South Korea’s recent decision to counter North Korean missile capabilities with an advanced system on the Korean peninsula left China “deeply dissatisfied” and ready to take “necessary measures” a defense ministry spokesman said at the end of July.


  In the month since the agreement was announced many analysts have wondered how Beijing’s anger will manifest.


  One common sentiment is that the strategic collateral imposed on China by the missile system called the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense may force Chinese diplomats to reconsider their inaction on North Korea’s nuclear efforts.


  Others fueled by an earlier Chinese warning that THAAD could “destroy” relations with South Korea “in an instant” argue that China may seek to discipline Seoul with economic repercussions.


  Such responses fail to encompass the full scope of China’s domestic and foreign policy thinking.


  China will not move in a quick or meaningful fashion to oppose Pyongyang — Beijing fears destabilizing the Kim regime which would risk expanding the U.S. presence in the region far beyond THAAD deployment and potentially spur an influx of impoverished North Korean refugees into China.


  In fact China’s THAAD-inspired refusal to support a U.N. Security Council measure on recent North Korean missile launches suggests that negotiations are even less attainable than before.


  Likewise THAAD deployment damages Chinese trust in Seoul on security issues but it does not obscure the two countries’ growing economic interdependence.


  While South Korea is asymmetrically dependent on economic relations with China it is also China’s second largest trade partner and a major source of foreign direct investment.


  Though Beijing will seek to coerce South Korea by publicly considering sanctions the risk of collateral from major economic retaliation is thus unwarrantable for China especially in the context of a slowing domestic economy.


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