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me too是什么意思 me too的英語例句

發布時間:2022-09-29 17:04:19來源:勵普網


  你知道me too是什么意思嗎?下面一起來看看吧

  me too

  me too的意思:


  me too的英語例句:

  He always charges me too much for his goods.


  Coke for me too, please.


  Don"t push me too far!


  Me too. But I wonder if the weather will be cooperative or not.


me too是什么意思

  Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup 將豆角徹底控干,并把濾出的豆汁留下做湯。

  Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes 心理測試能夠使組織機構避免犯下損失慘重的大錯。

  Always buy a heater with thermostat control to save on running costs 始終購買可調溫度的取暖器以節省使用成本。

  I"ll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth 我會設法替他省下要從珀斯飛來的機票費用。

  Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil"s rainforest from exploitation 門德斯先生正領導一場運動,以拯救遭到亂砍濫伐的巴西熱帶雨林。

  For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix 為了節約時間,我們用了幾包做比薩餅的混合面粉。

  With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating 對于數學題,可以用取近似值的辦法節約時間。

  Four rescue plans are vying to save the zoo 個拯救動物園的方案正爭得不可開交。

  We have been frantically trying to save her life 我們一直在極力想辦法挽救她的生命。

  Save major painting jobs for the spring or summer 把主要的油漆活兒留到春天或夏天干。

  I spent the day working out a foolproof plan to save him 我花了一天的時間想出了一個營救他的周全方案。

  Every evening in those days the BBC played "God Save The King" 那些日子里,英國廣播公司每天晚上都會播放《天佑吾王》。

  When you are finished typing, remember to save your document 完成錄入后,記得將文檔存盤。

  The scanner will save risk and pain for patients 掃描儀將使病人免遭風險和痛苦。

  They"ve begun to hoard food and gaso-line and save their money 他們已經存錢并開始貯藏食物和汽油。

  Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers 據悉海豚有時會救溺水的游泳者。

  Schmeichel swooped to save the first kick from Borisov 舒梅切爾的奮力一撲擋住了鮑里索的第一次射門。

  The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money 為節省資金,航天飛行計劃已被束之高閣。

  They could not find any way to save money 他們沒辦法存下錢。

  Winston could not have read the road signs to save his life 溫斯頓怎么也學不會看路標。

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