發(fā)布時間:2022-09-29 16:44:01來源:勵普網
酒店勺子 Scoop hotel ; Hotel spoon
一個勺子 a spoon
勺子咖啡 Caffe Spoon
勺子舞 Spoons Dance
抓勺子 scramb the spoons
甜點勺子 Dessert spoon
1. Remove the cover and spoon some of the sauce into a bowl.
2. He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon.
3. Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate.
4. He spooned the ice cream into a cup and fed it to her.
5. Mary put the sugar in her coffee, and stirred it with a spoon.
瑪麗在她的咖啡里放了些糖, 然后用勺子攪動著.
6. People don't use chopsticks here, but spoons and forks.
這里的人不用筷子, 用勺子和叉子.
7. He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.
8. Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals.
9. Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.
10. She tilted the dipper , drew a deep breath and drank swiftly.
11. She drew another breath and raised it again.
12. Whip the cream and ladle it on top of the straw - berries.
13. Scoops are used to take up flour, sugar, and ice cream.
勺子用來舀面粉 、 糖和冰淇淋.
14. A quantity of silver which had been fused in a ladle was allowed to solidify.
15. Stir with a spoon and return to microwave for another 3 minutes.
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