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女孩的英文是什么 女孩的英語例句

發布時間:2022-09-22 17:16:49來源:勵普網


  漢語解釋:女孩 泛指年輕的 女性 人類。 指從一個嬰兒變成一名成年女人的過渡階段,在不同的社會各不相同,但基本上都認為是青少年期至成年期的轉變,年齡通常在0歲至20歲之間。

  中文: 女孩

  女孩的英語: girl; gal; moppet; ragazza; [電影]The Girls;



  The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.


  The girl has a light hand for knitting.



  The girl left her homework half done.


  The little girl is pretty.


  She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl.


  Nowadays girls try to pick up guys more than vice versa.


  Choose to love the one who makes your world the most beautiful.


  Which girl is the thinnest of the four?


  A little girl and her mother were in church when the girl started to feel ill.

  1. She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes. 她是一個害羞、嬌美的女孩,長著一雙大大的藍眼睛。

  2. Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate. 一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出現在初潮之前。

  3. The child kept her eyes fixed on the wall behind him. 這個小女孩眼睛一直緊盯著他身后的那堵墻。

  4. A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house. 一個小女孩正坐在最頂頭那幢房子門前的平臺上。

  5. He gave the girl at the desk the message. 他把便條遞給了桌旁的女孩。

  6. The girl had found out about the goings-on in the factory. 這個女孩已經發現了工廠里的勾當。

  7. He tore down the girl"s photograph, and crumpled it into a ball. 他一把扯下那女孩的照片,將它揉成一團。

  8. A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill. 一個身穿紅色罩衫的女孩邁著輕快的步子下山。

  9. Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine. 男孩和女孩會喜歡擺弄各種機械裝置。

  10. He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question. 他轉過頭看著這個噤若寒蟬的女孩,又重復了一遍他的問題。

  11. Girls generally reach sexual maturity two years earlier than boys. 通常女孩性發育成熟要比男孩早兩年。

  12. Hugh glanced at the child on her mother"s lap. 休瞥了一眼坐在她媽媽膝上的小女孩。

  13. Have you ever made love to a girl before? 你和女孩有過云雨之歡嗎?

  14. I hope you won"tbe too harsh with the girl. 希望你不要對那個女孩太嚴厲。

  15. His eyes swivelled from one girl to the other. 他的目光在兩個女孩身上打轉。

  16. She"s just a little bitty wisp of a girl. 她是一個很纖弱的小女孩。

  17. She was especially fond of a little girl named Betsy. 她尤其偏愛一個名叫貝齊的小女孩。

  18. You"ll lose your girlish figure if you don"t watch out. 如果不多加注意,你就會失去女孩般的苗條身段。

  19. Fresh prints of both girls were found in the flat. 在公寓里發現了兩個女孩不久前留下的指紋。

  20. The girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces. 女孩們注視著,臉上掛著調皮的微笑,顯得愈加活潑。

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