發布時間:2022-09-17 20:03:41來源:勵普網
大家有聽過Dear John這樣的信件嗎?它的來源和意義分別是什么呢?就讓我們一起去了解一下吧。
dear john什么意思
Dear John的釋義和來源
Dear John的介紹
Dear John即分手信。所謂“Dear John letter”是指一個女子寫給丈夫或男友表示分手的信件,通常是在寫信人另有所愛的情況下所寫,且往往寫信人不能夠或不想要當面告知男方這一情況。反之,如果是寫給妻子或女友告知分手的信,則被稱作“Dear Jane letter”。
A "Dear John letter" is a letter written to a husband or boyfriend to inform him their relationship is over, usually because the author has found another lover. Dear John Letters are often written out of an inability or unwillingness to inform the man in person. The reverse situation, in which someone writes to his wife or girlfriend to break off the relationship, is referred to as a "Dear Jane letter".
關于Dear John等于分手信的來歷其實說法不一,但是人們普遍認為這個說法是從美國流傳而來的。在第二次世界大戰期間,無數的美國士兵遠赴重洋去打仗,一去就是好幾個月甚至幾年。隨著時間的流逝,很多士兵的妻子或者女朋友都決定不再等待他們的回歸,而選擇開始一段新的愛情。
(While the exact origins of the phrase are unknown, it is commonly believed to have been coined by Americans during World War II. Large numbers of American troops were stationed overseas for many months or years, and as time passed many of their wives or girlfriends decided to begin a relationship with a new man rather than wait for their old one to return.)
As letters to servicemen from wives or girlfriends back home would typically contain affectionate language (such as "Dear Johnny", "My dearest John", or simply "Darling"), a serviceman receiving a note beginning with a curt "Dear John" would instantly be aware of the letter"s purpose.
A writer in the Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester, NY, summed it up in August 1945:1945年八月,一位作家總結道:"Dear John," the letter began. "I have found someone else whom I think the world of. I think the only way out is for us to get a divorce," it said. They usually began like that, those letters that told of infidelity on the part of the wives of servicemen... The men called them "Dear Johns".“
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