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強壯用英語怎么說 強調的英語例句

發布時間:2022-09-15 15:16:17來源:勵普網







  不強壯 not strong

  足夠強壯 strong enough

  身體強壯 have a strong body ; Physically strong ; With a strong body ; Able-bodied

  強壯有力 Darius ; strong and vigorous

  強壯體質 Strong Constitution

  強壯地 strongly ; robustly ; lustily ; nervily

  肌肉強壯 Muscles strong ; strong muscles


  1. She"s going to be fine. She always was pretty strong.


  2. He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs.


  3. He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.


  4. All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.


  5. He is described as a strong, powerfully-built man of 60.


  6. Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.


  7. I feared I wouldn"t be able to control such a strong horse.


  8. The Neanderthals were very robust and quite different from us.


  9. It"s not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.


  10. Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.


  11. It"s such a big powerful dog.


  12. He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.


  13. He is very old, yet he is quite strong.

  他雖然年紀很大了, 但還很強壯.

  14. He is now well over sixty, but is still going strong.

  他已六十多歲了, 可是還強壯得很.

  15. He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man.



  Is it your biceps, quadriceps or could it be your gluteus maximus? You might be surprised to learn that it"s none of the above. The question can be a tricky one to answer since it depends entirely on what your definition of"strongest”is. Today we’ll explore this little life mystery.


  Ability To Exert Force


  If by strongest you mean"ability to exert a force on an external object”, then a human"s strongest muscle is his or her ‘masseter’ muscle. The masseter muscle is a thick muscle in the cheek and is located at the back of the jaw. It"s responsible for opening and closing your jaw during chewing.


  It is the muscle that can generate the largest externally measurable force attributable to the action of a specific, single muscle. Its strength is the result of incredibly densely packed muscle fibers combined with being attached to a short-armed lever. It can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (91 kilograms) on the molars.

  咬肌是能發出最大力量的單獨肌肉。它的力量主要來源于高密度的肌纖維。咬肌能使門齒咬合時發出55磅的力, 臼齒則能發出200磅的力。

  Which Muscle Does The Most Work?


  Now if you take ‘strongest’ to mean ‘does the most work’, the heart lies claim to that. The heart does its work continuously over an entire lifetime without pause, and hence ‘outworks‘ every other muscle.


  What"s The Largest Muscle?


  The largest muscle in the human body is the gluteus maximus. The gluteus maximus is located in your buttocks and its size directly corresponds to the important role it has in your everyday life. It"s main function is to keep your body erect and straight. Its function is to provide balance and a center of gravity while walking or running.


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