發布時間:2022-09-13 15:49:10來源:勵普網
first name是名字,而不是姓哦,因為外國人的名字是放在前面的。
first name 名字
last name是姓
1. The two were said to have been on first-name terms.
2. I never have to spell out my first name.
3. Her first name was Mary. I don"t know what her surname was.
4. He abbreviated his first name to Alec.
5. His first name is Tom and his surname is Green.
6. Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.
7. Jim has been in the company for many years, and is on first-name terms with many of the board directors.
8. If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to call her by her first name.
如果那女子露出點賣弄風情的品性,他就會上前去幫她理理領帶, 如果她 ‘ 吃 ’ 他那一套獻殷勤的手段, 他馬上開始用小名稱呼她了.
9. The teacher knows all the pupils by their first name.
10. Mr Joe knew everyone intimately and never used a first name.
11. Smith"s first name are Peter George.
12. " Carrie, " he said, using her first name with sympathetic familiarity, " I want you to love me.
“ 嘉莉, "他用親密熟悉的口吻叫著她的小名, " 我要你愛我.
13. The child was named after its father , ie given its father"s first name.
14. Using only his first name, Henry submitted a poem to a local paper in 1820.
15. My first name is Bill.
1. Sorry I misspelled your last name.
2. Smith is a very common last name in England.
3. Yes. I"m sorry, but how do you spell your last name, sir?
好的, 不過對不起, 先生你的姓怎么拼?
4. Please stroke out the last name on the list.
5. How do you spell your last name?
6. Never mentioned the woman"s last name, never said where it all took place.
從來沒提過那女的姓什么, 也沒說過這事發生在哪兒.
7. You have a last name to tell you which family you are from.
8. The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
比如說, 通常的通信錄以姓的首字母的順序記錄聯系人.
9. Clerk : How do you spell your last name?
10. We have five minutes to come up with a last name.
11. Sometimes a man took his last name from his father"s first name.
12. My last name is Chen and the flight number is DA 815.
13. Always refer to a teacher by title and last name.
14. I"m sorry, but how do you spell your last name, sir?
好的, 不過對不起, 先生您的姓是怎么拼 呢 ?
15. OK. May I have your last name and first initial, please?
好的. 請您告訴我貴姓及大名的頭一個字母?
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