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龍眼的英語怎么說 龍眼的英語例句

發布時間:2022-07-25 17:24:03來源:勵普網


  漢語解釋:龍眼,(拉丁學名:Dimocarpus longan Lour.)又稱桂圓,益智,常綠大喬木,樹體高大。7~8月果實成熟呈黃褐色時采摘。為無患子科植物,果供生食或加工成干制品,肉、核、皮及根均可作藥用。那么,你知道龍眼的英語怎么說嗎?





  Euphoria longan

  longan fruit

  lungyen fruit


  1. The longan repairs the brains, this type of beverage, be: Peerless beverage.

  龍眼補腦汁, 這一種飲料, 就是: 蓋世無雙的飲料.


  2. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan.


  3. The structures and performances of pitting machine of fresh longan was introduced.


  4. Vitis alias: autumn purple, tiger eye, purple grapes, lions eye.

  龍眼葡萄別名: 秋紫 、 老虎眼 、 紫葡萄 、 獅子眼.

  5. Conclusion LYS polysaccharides can enhance the mouse memory function.


  1. The longan repairs the brains, this type of beverage, be: Peerless beverage. 龍眼補腦汁, 這一種飲料, 就是: 蓋世無雙的飲料.

  2. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan. 荔枝蒂蛀蟲是荔枝和龍眼的重要害蟲.

  3. The structures and performances of pitting machine of fresh longan wasintroduced. 介紹最新研制的龍眼鮮果剝殼脫核機的結構和性能特點,對其剝殼、脫核的工作過程進行了分析.

  4. Vitis alias: autumn purple, tiger eye, purple grapes, lions eye. 龍眼葡萄別名: 秋紫 、 老虎眼 、 紫葡萄 、 獅子眼.

  5. Conclusion LYS polysaccharides can enhance the mouse memory function. 結論龍眼參多糖能明顯增強小鼠的學習記憶功能.

  6. Longan tastes sweet, and dried Longan is also a famous dessert. 龍眼嘗起來很甜, 而龍眼乾也是一種受歡迎的點心.

  7. Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty. 水果是從枇杷 、 荔枝 、 龍眼,一直吃到福桔!

  8. Longan meat: it is well - known non - blood food, rich in iron content. 龍眼肉: 是民間熟知的補血食物, 所含鐵質豐富.

  9. Dragon eye ring Adds + 1 to all hero's attributes. 龍眼指環英雄所有屬性+1.

  10. The famous local products here are rice - flour noodle , pineapple, longan ,rice, etc. 這里最出名的地方特產有米粉 、 鳳梨 、 龍眼還有香米.

  11. Loongan has high vitamin, protein, calcium and no cholesterol. 桂圓即是龍眼,含有豐富的維他命 、 蛋白質以及鈣質,卻無膽固醇.

  12. Does litchi follow longan which vitamin is more? 荔枝跟龍眼哪個維生素更多 呢 ?

  13. Dennis: Oh, I seldom eat lychee and longan. 丹尼斯: 喔, 我很少吃荔枝和龍眼.

  14. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes. 我也買發一些哈蜜瓜.龍眼和葡萄.

  15. Early Qing dynasty the white horse milk and longan were identified as thecourt grape tribute. 早在清朝光緒年間,白馬奶和龍眼葡萄就被確定為宮廷貢品.

  16. The residual SO 2 amount in the pulp of sulphur - smouldered Longan wasreduced by desulphurization treat. 為了降低熏硫龍眼果肉SO2殘留量,采用再脫硫處理,效果良好.

  17. Flower bud and sexual differentiation and their control in longan, litchi andrambutan. 龍眼 、 荔枝和紅毛丹花芽及花性的分化與調控.

  18. Longan produces mainly grapes, security rice, almond cap Wang, theChinese sea buckthorn sparkling wine. 土特產主要有龍眼葡萄 、 保安大米 、 王帽杏仁 、 中華沙棘汽酒.

  19. The results and offer useful data for studying pharmacology and medicineeffects of arillus longan. 為研究龍眼肉的藥理、藥效提供了有用的數據.

  20. For instance, the protea beetle ( Trichostetha fascicularis ) gathers nectarfrom various species of proteas. 例如, 山龍眼甲蟲 ( Trichostethafascicularis ) 采集不同種類的山龍眼花蜜.

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