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be full of的同義詞 be full of的同義詞例句

發布時間:2022-07-08 16:50:36來源:勵普網


  be full of是會; 能的意思。那么你知道它的同義詞是什么呢,為大家整理了be full of的同義詞和例句。

  be full of的同義詞

  be filled with

  be full of的同義詞例句

  The royal palace was filled with intrigue.


  Under the influence of the drug my mind was filled with surreal images.


  I was filled with admiration.


  He was filled with horror at the bad news.


  be full of的英語例句

  The club seemed to be full of eccentrics.


  Her life was full of drama.


  The subject may be full of interest to you, but it holds no interest for me.


  Their conversation was full of blasphemy.


  Jesus said, `Be full of joy at that time, because you have a great reward waiting for you in heaven. 耶穌說:「到那時你們要充滿喜樂,因為天上有大賞賜正在等候你。」

  Working, meeting, dealing, entertaining, negotiating and corresponding with colleagues or clients from different cultures can be full of obstacles. 工作,會議,商務,娛樂,談判以及和同事通信或是同另種文化下的雇員交流都充滿障礙。

  When we learn to use our money to purchase things that make our lives richer,healthier and to improve the world around us we are ensuring that our future willbe full of happiness. 當我們學會用錢來買東西,而這些東西又可以使我們生活得更豐富、更健康,使我們周圍的世界得到改善時,我們就是在確保我們的未來充滿幸福快樂。

  An enterprise should be full of fairness and harmony. 一個企業內部應該充滿公平與和諧。

  It belongs to the youth and indicates that China-EU relations will become moredynamic and be full of hope. 兩個“第一”都屬于青年,這表明中歐關系將更加富有活力、更加充滿希望。

  Franco: Yeah. For now, though, there are none I want to direct that would be fullof spectacle. 弗朗哥:是的。但是現在很難,現在沒有一部我想去導演的充滿奇觀的影片。

  Personally, I like every meal to be full of salt too, and Ramen supplies that. 個人而言,我喜歡每一餐都是全鹽,而拉面正好符合這一標準。

  Why does he want me to be full of joy? 神為什么要我們充滿快樂呢?

  They will be full of energy. 他們可是充滿著活力喲。

  Then each of them took off his saddle-bag, which seemed to Ali Baba to be full ofgold and silver from its weight. 然后他們每一個都拿下了他的鞍囊,阿里巴巴從他們的重量看出每一個都裝滿了金子和銀子。

  Gym class would be full of taunts like "girly-man" and other verbal attacks. 在體育課中充滿的“娘娘腔”之類的辱罵和其他的言語攻擊。

  For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon,lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. 底們的水充滿了血。我還要加增底們的災難,叫獅子來追上摩押逃脫的民,和那地上所馀剩的人。

  They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be fullof the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. 在我圣山的遍處,這一切都不傷人,不害物。因為認識耶和華的知識要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。

  He also said everyone I"d meet would be full of shit. 他還說我將遇到的每個人都是十足的混蛋。

  As companies attract business by showing they"ve got whatever consumers maywant, Yellow Pages ads also tend to be full of brand names and information. 公司通過展示他們具有消費者可能需要的任何商品來拉攏客戶,黃頁廣告也往往充滿了品牌名稱和信息。

  Our view of the early Universe may be full of mysterious circles -- and eventriangles -- but that doesn’t mean we’re seeing evidence of events that took placebefore the Big Bang. 我們對早期宇宙的觀察也許充滿了神秘的圓環——甚至是三角形——但那并不意味著我們發現了宇宙大爆炸之前發生的事件的證據。

  Megan"s mother Jane expresses bewilderment that her daughter should develop this illness at such a young age. ‘Young people should be full of life, free from worries. 梅根的母親簡對她的女兒在這樣小的年紀就得了這樣的疾病感到困惑。 “年輕人應該充滿生命力,無憂無慮。

  Precisely because the internet has made information so plentiful, your own teamis likely to be full of ideas that should be tapped into. 正是因為互聯網使得資訊如此豐富,你自己的團隊中很可能充滿了應該加以利用的觀念。

  My back always hurt afterwards, and I"d be full of bundles. 我渾身上下都是背包,過后我的背部總是受傷。

  It is not a pleasant ride because the train can be full of people. 這不是一個愉快的車程,因為火車里擠滿了人。

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相關內容: full 同義詞 是什么 意思 full 是會 意思 那么 知道 它的


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